Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Configure Genpact AP Capture File Listener


For Genpact AP Capture,the configuration includes configuring a File Listener workflow that takes the documents from the storage (Amazon S3) and invokes the data into the system.

As a workflow developer, follow the steps below to configure the File Listener workflow for Genpact AP Capture. 

Configure File Listener workflow

  1. In the Administration site, duplicate the File Listener template workflow.
  2. Edit the workflow name, alias and description in the properties.
    • Name: File Listener Template
    • Alias: File Listener Template
    • Description: File Listener Template
  3. In the workflow, add a File Listener activity, and name it as PDF Listener.
  4. In the job definition, add a connection to a file storage.
  5. Update the new connection in all the file activities in the workflow.
  6. In the Extraction Gateway Consumer In-process Consumer activity, change the Tenant and workspace.
  7. Save the changes.