For Genpact AP Capture,the configuration includes configuring a File Listener workflow that takes the documents from the storage (Amazon S3) and invokes the data into the system.
As a workflow developer, follow the steps below to configure the File Listener workflow for Genpact AP Capture.
Configure File Listener workflow
- In the Administration site, duplicate the File Listener template workflow.
- Edit the workflow name, alias and description in the properties.
- Name: File Listener Template
- Alias: File Listener Template
- Description: File Listener Template
- In the workflow, add a File Listener activity, and name it as PDF Listener.
- In the job definition, add a connection to a file storage.
- Update the new connection in all the file activities in the workflow.
- In the Extraction Gateway Consumer In-process Consumer activity, change the Tenant and workspace.
- Save the changes.