The tenant-workspace-configuration.yaml file helps the system manage different workspaces for different document types. In the yaml you define the connection name to the file, the connection to the master data, the workspace port, and other workspace related properties.
kind: document metadata: name: extraction/v1/tenant-workspace spec: configs: common: values: documentType: value: Invoice fileConnectionName: value: some_azure_bucket masterDataConnectionName: value: TestConnection transactionsConnectionName: value: fine_connection_name documentIntelligenceSubscriptionKey: value: 8eb04706b5e844a49184f554b82698f1 documentIntelligenceEndpoint: value: https://open-ai-form-recognizer.cognitiveservices.azure.com/documentintelligence classification: values: classificationApiVersion: value: "2023-07-31" extraction: values: extractionApiVersion: value: "2024-11-30" auditLog: values: externalDBName: value: externalSchema: value: dbo externalTableName: value: MyTransactionsTable extractionGateway: values: domainName: value: pnmsoftlabs.com description: value: null specVersion: value: "1.0" type: value: edge-ide.v1.documentInjected source: value: /edge-ide/eaas-dev-webapi/invoices/events traceParent: value: 00-df3726d34dad4c39abdc6be8651eb75c-8b0c6a7f88c8ee69-01 kafkaAuditLog: values: topic: value: edge-test partition: value: null key: value: null kafkaPublisher: values: topic: value: edge-data-out partition: value: null key: value: null preprocessing: #applicable only to Apflow values: fileConnectionName: value: syscoocr targetPath: value: UAT/MAN_EMAIL_ACK maxFileSizeInMB: value: 30 metadataroot: value: CoraSysco_OCR splitHandling: #splitHandling values: checkForSplit: value: true detectOnly: value: false rejectReason: value: Multiple invoices in single PDF additionalCharges: values: llmURL: value: https://llm-edge-dev-freight-inf.swedencentral.inference.ml.azure.com/score authorizationToken: value: Bearer eMgJ8sIqLR9fNNCXbL27icspnJCCa8q0 eyeball: values: textRecognitionEndPoint: value: https://open-ai-form-recognizer.cognitiveservices.azure.com/documentintelligence/documentModels/prebuilt-layout:vcfg textRecognitionSubscriptionKey: value: sequence:secrets:eyeballSubscriptionKey eyeball-client-configuration: values: confidenceThreshold: value: 0.8 results: values: adaptor: value: apflow #apflow or default (for webapi) kind: value: xml #(Xml/Json) apFlow: values: fileConnectionName: value: apflowfilesout targetPath: value: UAT/ShlomoOUT splitedFilesTargetPath: value: UAT/MAN_EMAIL_Split_Inbound splitedRejectFilesTargetPath: value: UAT/MAN_EMAIL_Split_Reject_Inbound
Parameter | Description |
documentType | Name of the workspace. |
fileConnectionName | The connection name of the extraction internal storage. |
masterDataConnectionName | The connection name of the operational database. |
documentIntelligenceSubscriptionKey | Subscription key to the DocIntel. |
documentIntelligenceEndpoint | Endpoint to the DocIntel models. |
domainName |
sourceFilesDirectory |
targetFilesDirectory |
classification |
extraction |
auditLog |
extractionGateway |
kafkaAuditLog |
kafkaPublisher |
applicable only to APFlow |
splitHandling |
additionalCharges |
eyeball | Details of the OCR provider. |
eyeball-client-configuration | |
results | The required format. The adaptor value could be APFlow and XML or JSON for files. |
apFlow |