Use this script to change the identity for a Cora SeQuence site application pool in IIS.
This identity will be used for activities with the credential type “Application.”
- In the Get-CoraSeQuenceSite, replace the SiteType parameter with the site type for which you need to set the application pool identity: Administration or Flowtime.
- Run the script.
- When prompted, enter the user credentials for the new application pool account.
If you want to use a built-in account, comment or comment out the areas indicated in the sample script.
#Get the site
$site = Get-CoraSeQuenceSite -SiteType Administration
if (-not ($site))
Write-Error -Message "Site not found!"
#Get the application pool object
$applicationPool = Get-Item -Path "IIS:\AppPools\$($site.applicationPool)"
#region custom account (comment out for built-in account)
#Get the credentials to use for this application pool
$applicationPoolAccount = Get-Credential
#Set application pool properties for the service account
$applicationPool | Set-ItemProperty -Name processModel.identityType -Value SpecificUser
$applicationPool | Set-ItemProperty -Name processModel.userName -Value $applicationPoolAccount.UserName
$applicationPool | Set-ItemProperty -Name processModel.password -Value $applicationPoolAccount.GetNetworkCredential().Password
#endregion custom account
#region built-in account (uncomment for built-in account)
#$applicationPool | Set-ItemProperty -Name processModel.identityType -Value NetworkService
#endregion built-in account
#See available options for identityType here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/configuration/system.applicationhost/applicationpools/add/processmodel#configuration
#Recycle the application pool