Create or edit a workflow expression using workflow data, metadata, and a set of functions. You can use this expression to create a business rule, default value, message recipient, and more.
Expression Editor
Expression Functions
There are several function options for building expressions.
Function | Description |
Convert | Convert a result to one of several formats, such as ToBoolean, ToByte, ToSingle, ToString, among others. |
Date & Time | Date operations, such as CalendarDateAdd, DateAdd, ToUserDate, among others. |
JSON | Return a JSON value, which you can further manipulate to return a JsonValue. |
Mathematic | Mathematical functions to add to the expression, such as Max, Min, Ceiling, among others. |
Mathematic Advanced | Advanced mathematical operations, such as Cos, Exp, Log, among others. |
String | String operations, such as EndsWith, IndexOf, Replace, among others. |
Users & Groups | These functions return user and group objects, based on user and group ID. The MemberOf function returns the list of groups that a user belongs to, based on user ID. These functions are useful in the Sharing Activity wizard and Recipients wizard. |
XPath | Enables you to retrieve elements and values from XML data. Use XPathSelectElement or XPathSelectElements to retrieve a full element or elements, respectively. Use XPathSelectValue to retrieve an element's value. |
Expression Formats
You can use the following formats to build expressions.
Format | Example |
Object Expression | rt.CurrentUser.UserId == 10 |
String Expression | Hello { rt.CurrentUser.DisplayName } |
HTML/XML | <div>Hello { rt.CurrentUser.DisplayName }</div> |