Genpact Cora Knowledge Center




Central Configuration Folder
Set up a folder to act as a central configuration location for all configuration files.
Configure Active Directory Synchronization Service
Learn how to import users from AD to Cora SeQuence. ADSS only imports information from AD, and does not write to it.
Configure Claims-Based Authentication
To authenticate users in Cora SeQuence using using claims-based authentication, you need to modify the web.config file for each Cora SeQuence site.
Configure Cora SeQuence for SAML 2.0 Authentication
SAML 2.0 is an XML-based protocol that uses security tokens containing assertions to pass information about a principal (usually an end user) between a SAML authority, named an Identity Provider, and
Configure Cora SeQuence for SAML 2.0 SSO with OAuth 2.0 for Service-to-Service
When you configure Cora SeQuence Administration or Flowtime Portal using OAuth, all user authentication is executed using SSO
Configure Cora SeQuence Single Sign-on for Use with Azure Active Directory
To authenticate users in Cora SeQuence using your Azure Active Directory, you need to modify the web.config file for each Cora SeQuence component, and IIS.
Configure HTTPS for Cora SeQuence Sites
Configure your Cora SeQuence sites with SSL to secure your Cora SeQuence environment. The prerequisite steps are mandatory for each Cora SeQuence site.
Configure OAuth 2.0 Credentials
Starting with V10.0, Cora SeQuence has been renamed to . V10.6 and later Overview supports OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant flow to consume external services. In the Client Credentials Grant flow there is no user inte...
Configure OpenID Connect authentication
Configuring OpenID Connect authentication.
Configure workflow persistence
How to configure workflow persistence buffer size.
Application Variables
This article provides the list of application variables available in Cora SeQuence for various settings.
Session Configuration
Describes how to configure the Cora SeQuence session, which is used for user authentication purposes instead of the ASP.NET session state.
Force Cora SeQuence to Communicate Through TLS 1.2
You need to modify the web.config file for the Administration, Runtime, and ProcessTOGO sites in order for Cora SeQuence to work with TLS 1.2.
Migrate Attachment Files to New Storage Location
Set up a JES job to migrate files from the Cora SeQuence database to a new file storage location.
Provision Users from Azure AD
In order to synchronize your Azure AD users and groups with Cora SeQuence (using ADSS), you need to add your Cora SeQuence ADSS as an application to your Azure AD.
Set Required Permissions for Azure AD to Integrate with Cora SeQuence Sites
You can integrate Cora SeQuence with Azure AD to enable secure single-sign on. First you need to add your Cora SeQuence sites as applications to your Azure AD portal.
 Set Up External Storage Location for Attachment Files
Set up external file storage for files upload by Flowtime users via web forms and emails.
Example: Setting Up External Storage on Azure
Example of how to set up an external file location on an Azure storage service.
 Configuring Elasticsearch Service
Configure the Case Search and Change Tracking in the database.
Reset Full-Load Index Synchronization
Stop and restart the full-load and incremental jobs to reset data synchronization.
 Configure Long-term Archiving
This article will help you configure the long term archiving in Cora SeQuence.
Configure HTML Sanitization
This article helps you configure HTML sanitization rules.
Add a New Email Connection
This article guides you on adding a new email sending connection.
Add Connection Credentials
This article helps you add authentication credentials to connect to an external service.