Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


List of Reports and Dashboards


Following are the reports and dashboards available out-of-the-box in the Cora Case Manager.

Reports and Dashboards available to a HotOperation Manager

Name Description Type
Current Pending Work by Hours to Target Date
(Has a drill report)
Calculation: Subtracts the target date of all cases that are not in “Closing” status from the current date and their target date is not going to be extended, and then distributes the result by an Overdue range (time to closure date).


  • More than 8 hours
  • In the next 4-8 hours
  • In the next 4 hours
  • In the next hour
  • Overdue
  • No due date
Bar chart
  • Y-axis: Hours
  • X-axis: Number of cases
Current Open Cases By Status
(Has a drill report)
Distribution of current open cases by their status. Pie chart by status
Current Team Open Cases Workload Distribution of cases, currently allocated to each team, which are not in closing status, and their target date is not going to be extended. Bar chart
Shows the distribution of cases by Team. The chart also displays a bar for unassigned cases.

Dashboards available to a Team Leader

Name Description Type
Number Of Cases Opened in the Last 7 Days. All cases that opened in the last 7 days. Number
Number Of Cases Processed in the Last 7 Days All cases that opened in the last 7 days and their process started i.e the cases are not in “Indexing required”, “Pre Case Creation”, “Pre Ready for processing” state. Number
Current Open QC Tasks
(Has a drill report)
Number of all open QC tasks. Number
Current Pending Work by Hours to Target Date
(Has a drill report)
Calculation: Subtracts the target date of all cases that are not in “Closing” status from the current date and their target date is not going to be extended, and then distributes the result by an Overdue range (time to closure date).


  • More than 8 hours
  • In the next 4-8 hours
  • In the next 4 hours
  • In the next hour
  • Overdue
  • No due date
Bar chart
  • Y-axis: Hours
  • X-axis: Number of cases
Aging of Over Due Cases
(Has a drill report)
Calculation: Subtracts the Open Date of all cases that are not in “Closing” status from the current date and their target date is not going to be extended, and their target date is passed then distributes the result by an aging range (Now – Open Date).


  • 0-1
  • 2-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-30
  • 1-2 months (31-60 days)
  • More than 2 months (more than 60 days)
  • No due date
Bar Chart
Current Open Cases By Status
(Has a drill report)
Distribution of current open cases by their status Pie chart by status.
Last Month Vs Current Month
(Has a drill report)
Number of open Vs number of closed cases (last month vs this month).
Should include sub-group.
Multi bar

2 columns – last month, and this month. 
Divided into two, Open and Closed
* only if not too heavy

Current Team Members Workload Distribution of open cases currently assigned to each Team Member, which are not in closing status and their target date is not going to be extended. Bar chart

Shows the distribution of cases by Team Member. The chart also displays a bar for unassigned cases.

In Cora Case Manager V4.0 and later, the All Cases Full Report holds the data of all the cases. 

Following are the default columns in the report:

  • ID
  • Country
  • Met SLA?
  • Team
  • Subject
  • Category
  • Closed By
  • On hold Date
  • Status
  • Type
  • Closing Duration (In Hours)
  • Time In On Hold (In Hours)
  • Requestor
  • Sub-Type
  • Over Due?
  • Operator Changed
  • Requestor Email
  • Priority
  • In Target Date Extension?
  • To On Hold
  • Creation Date
  • Age (In Hours)
  • Reason
  • Rejection Date
  • Target Date
  • Closed Date
  • Assignee
  • ReOpen Date

Apart from the report there are seven views that are available out-of-the-box:

Report Name Filters and Sorting Description Columns
Cases Closed Today Status contains ‘clo’
Status equals to ‘rejected’
Closed Date is today

Sorted by ID

Show all the cases that have been closed in the current date (statuses – Rejected, Closed, Pending Closure and Closed as Spam). ID, Subject, Status, Creation Date, Target Date, Priority, Closed Date, Met SLA?, Closed By, Closing Duration (In Hours), Reason Team
Closed as Spam Cases Status equals to ‘Closed as Spam’

Sorted by ID

Show all the cases that have been Closed as Spam. ID, Subject, Status, Requestor, Creation Date, Target Date, Priority, Age (In Hours), Closed Date, Met SLA?, Team
Closed Cases Status equals to ‘Pending Closure’
Status equals to ‘Closed’

Sorted by ID

Show all the cases that are currently in ‘Pending Closure’ or ‘Closed’ status. ID, Subject, Status, Requestor, Creation Date, Target Date, Priority, Closed Date, Closed By Closing Duration (In Hours), Met SLA?, Reason, Assignee, Team
On Hold Cases Status contains ‘On hold’

Sorted by ID

Show all the cases that are on hold. ID, Subject, Status, Target Date, In Target Date Extension?, Reason On hold Date, Time In On Hold (In Hours), Operator Changed, To On Hold, Assignee
Open Cases Status doesn't contain ‘rejected’
Status does not contain ‘clos

Sorted by ID

Show all the cases that are currently in open status. ID, Subject, Status, Requestor, Creation Date, Target Date, Category, Type, Sub Type, Age (In Hours), Over Due?, In Target Date Extension?, Assignee
Re-Open Cases ReOpen Date is not blank.

Sorted by ID

Show all the cases that were re-opened after the status was “Pending Closure”. ID, Subject, Status, Requestor, Creation Date, Target Date, Age (In Hours), Over Due?, In Target Date Extension?, Assignee, Team, ReOpen Date
Rejected Cases Status equals to ‘Rejected’

Sorted by ID

Show all the rejected cases. ID, Subject, Status, Requestor, Creation Date, Rejection Date, Met SLA?, Reason, Assignee, Team

You can customize the All Cases Full Report, and also add more views to it. 
For details, see this article.