Starting with V10.0, Cora SeQuence has been renamed to Cora Orchestration.
This is an overview of the Cora SeQuence and Cora Orchestration database for reporting purposes. This information focuses on the major tables and fields only, it's not exhaustive.
It's forbidden, under any circumstances, to change or update system tables' data or schema without using the product API. You can add indices to user tables to improve database performance.
V9.6 and earlier
This is an overview of the Cora SeQuence database for reporting purposes. This information focuses on the major tables and fields only, it is not exhaustive.
It is forbidden, under any circumstances, to change or update Cora SeQuence System tables' data or schema without using the product API. You can add indices to user tables to improve database performance.
— Joel Hodes on 09/14/2022
"indices" is the correct plural of index, it is not a typo.
— Shahar Ben Noon on 03/08/2022
looks good .there is a small typo in page 29 - indices should be Indexes and the Data ERD in page 12 is the same as in page 9 (should be diff ,i think...)