Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Application Variables

Starting with V10.0, Cora SeQuence has been renamed to Cora Orchestration.


Following is the list of the application variables available in Cora SeQuence. For these application variables, a key and its value is defined in the Application Variables table on Admin console, and the key is then used in Cora SeQuence expressions.
For details, see the this article.

Different application variables are defined in the system for different settings explained in the below sections.

Organizational settings

Key Type Description Value Version 
Administration.Instrumentation.ExternalToolName Text Enables you to add the name of the third-party tool you want to use to view logs.
By default, the EventViewer opens the logs in Cora Orchestration.
Third-party tool name
For example, DataDog
Administration.Instrumentation.ExternalToolUrl Text Enables you to set the URL of the third-party tool you want to use to view logs. Tool URL (that will open in a new tab in browser) 10.3
Administration.Organization.Tree.PageSize Numeric/Integer Specifies the number of:
  • Groups displayed by default
  • Groups that load when user clicks Load more
  • 20 (default)
  • 0: displays all groups, without "Load more"
Administration.Organization.Tree.Visible Boolean Hides or shows the organizational structure on the Organization Management page.
  • True (default)
  • False
Administration.Ribbon.EnvironmentColor Text Enables you to customize the color of the Administration ribbon.
For details, see the Differentiate Cora SeQuence environments with color enhancement in the Cora SeQuence 8.6.1 Release Notes.
ed7b87 8.6.1–10.x
Administration.Ribbon.EnvironmentText Text Enables you to add custom text to the Administration ribbon.
For details, see the Differentiate Cora SeQuence environments with color enhancement in the Cora SeQuence 8.6.1 Release Notes.
Dev 8.6.1–10.x

Background Runtime Service

These application variables determine batch size, number of instances in batches, and the delay after which aborted instances are moved to closed tables.
For details, see this article.

Key Type Description Value Version
BRS.MoveToClosed.AbortedWorkflowInstancesRetentionDelayInDays Numeric/Integer Delay in moving aborted instances to closed tables. 7 (default) 9.5–10.x
BRS.MoveToClosed.BatchSize Numeric/Integer Determines the number of instances that are moved in every batch. 100 (default) 9.0–10.x
BRS.MoveToClosed.NumberOfBatchesInOneCycle Numeric/Integer Maximum number of batches that run in a single service cycle run. 10 (default) 9.0–10.x

Job Execution Services (JES)

These variable determine various settings defined through JES.
For details, see this article.

JES.EmailSender.DelaySendOfMessagesInQueueBySecondsNumeric/IntegerDelay the email send out time.
Decimal values are not allowed.
0-30 sec10.5

Case management settings

Key Type Description Value Version 
Portal.HotOperations.TeamMember.MaxSelectionSizeNumeric/IntegerMaximum number of tasks that can be selected for multiple actions to be performed in the Team Members' Cases assigned to me and Cases in queues task lists.
  • 25 (default)
  • 200 (maximum)
Portal.HotOperations.GroupListWidth Numeric/Integer Maximum width of a combo box. 400px (default) 10.4
Portal.HotOperations.GroupPathLength Numeric/Integer Maximum number of characters that will appear in a drop down. n (no max limit) 10.4
Portal.HotOperations.HideDefaultDashboards Boolean Hides or shows the default dashboards in the portal.
  • True (default) - to show the default dashboards
  • False - to hide the default dashboards
Portal.HotOperations.TeamLeader.MaxSelectionSize Numeric/Integer Maximum number of tasks that can be selected for multiple actions to be performed in the Team Leader tasks list
  • 25 (default)
  • 200 (maximum for V10.7 onwards)
  • 100 (maximum for versions previous to V10.7)

Portal.HotOperations.OpsManager.MaxSelectionSize Numeric/Integer Maximum number of cases that can be selected for multiple actions to be performed in the Operation Manager cases list
  • 25 (default)
  • 200 (maximum for V10.7 onwards)
  • 100 (maximum for versions previous to V10.7)
Portal.HotOperations.Board.ShowBucketNumberOfCases Boolean Hides or shows the number of cases per allocation work bucket in the HotOperations Work Allocation Board for Operations Managers.
For details, see this article.
  • True (default) - to show the property
  • False - to hide the property
Portal.HotOperations.Board.ShowBucketCost Boolean Hides or shows the Cost Per Person field in the HotOperations Work Allocation Board for Operations Managers.
For details, see this article.
  • True (default) - to show the field
  • False - to hide the field
Portal.HotOperations.Grid.TileTemplate.OpsManager Text Prevents losing any changes made to the tile display templates on system upgrade.
For details, see this article.
Path to the file location.
For example, the path to the template of the Team Member grid:
[rootfolder]\Cora SeQuence\Flowtime\Shared Resources\Components\HotOperations\Flowtime\Templates\TeamMember\MYgrid-tile.html
Portal.HotOperations.TeamMember.SolutionsMenuId Text Determines the menu to which the solutions' task list will be added. Menu Id 9.2–9.x
Portal.HotOperations.TeamMember.DefaultPage Text Determines the Team Member's default task list page of a solution under My Tasks. URL 9.2–9.x
Portal.HotOperations.TeamMember.EnableGroupFilter Boolean Enables the Team Filter feature for Team Members, thus allowing them to filter their tasks by team.
  • True
  • False
Portal.HotOperations.TeamLeader.EnableSetImportance Boolean Enables the Team Leaders to change the Task importance.
  • True
  • False (default)
Portal.HotOperations.TeamMember.EnableSetImportance Boolean Enables the Team Members to change the Task importance.
  • True
  • False (default)
Portal.HotOperations.Board.BucketTileTemplate.OpsManager Text Enables the Operations Manager to customize the data and style that displays to HotOperations users by modifying default.html file.
For details, see this article .
~/Shared Resources/Components/HotOperations/Flowtime/Templates/OpsManager/default.html (default) 8.6–10.x
Portal.HotOperations.Board.BucketTileTemplate.TeamLeader Text Enables the Team Leader to customize the data and style that displays to HotOperations users by modifying default.html file.
For details, see this article .
~/Shared Resources/Components/HotOperations/Flowtime/Templates/TeamLeader/default.html (default) 8.6–10.x
Portal.HotOperations.Board.ShowBucketCost Boolean Hides or shows the Cost Per Person in the HotOperations Work Allocation board for Operations Managers.
For details, see this article .
  • True (default) - to show this property
  • False - to hide this property
Portal.HotOperations.Board.ShowBucketUtilization Boolean Hides or shows the Workload in the HotOperations Work Allocation board for Operations Managers.
For details, see this article .
  • True (default) - to show this property
  • False - to hide this property
Portal.HotOperations.Board.TeamLeader.DefaultView Text Enables focused view for Team Leader Dashboard
  • All
  • Focused
Portal.HotOperations.OpsManager.DefaultPage Text Enables the Operations Manager to set the HotOperations default page to a custom page of their choice.
For details, see this article .
~/HotOperations/OpsManager/CasesList.aspx 8.6–9.x
Portal.HotOperations.TeamLeader.DefaultPage Text Enables the Team Leader to set the HotOperations default page to a custom page of their choice.
For details, see this article .
~/HotOperations/OpsManager/TaskList.aspx 8.6–9.x

Portal settings

Key Type Description Value Version 
Portal.Components.Grid.MaxSelectionSizeNumeric/IntegerMaximum number of tasks that can be selected for multiple actions to be performed in the portal process grids, notifications list and tasks list.
  • 25 (default)
  • 200 (maximum)
Forms.Controls.FileUploadMaxSizeBytesNumeric/IntegerEnables the user to check the max file size allowed to be uploaded.
This limit is checked after the file is selected and before the file upload is started by the form controls FileUpload, AsyncFileUpload, AttachmentsView.
  • n
  • 20,480,000 (20 MB) (default)

If value is 0 or (blank), then the upload file size is unlimited.

Portal.Components.ShowRecentWorkItemsBooleanEnables the user to search and view recent work items in the portal, and search a case with case title.
  • True (default)
  • False
Portal.Components.Grid.DefaultOpenAction Text Sets the operation to be performed on clicking a task in a grid.
  • OpenAndFetch (default)
  • Open
Portal.DefaultProcessPageGuid Text Sets the sub menu that correlates to the workflow space guid as the default process page. WorkflowSpace guid 10.5
Portal.Forms.Topbar.ShowMenu Boolean Enables the user to hide or show the vertical ellipsis menu from the top bar of the case details page
  • True (default)
  • False
Portal.Substitution Boolean Enables substitution functionality for users to set substitute user(s) for themselves.
  • True
  • False (default)
Portal.Substitution.Roles Text Sets the roles, members of which can add and enable substitute users for other members of their team. List of roles
Default is Group Manager, Team Leader.
Portal.Components.Grid.AutoRefreshTime Numeric/Integer Number of minutes
after which the portal grids will auto refresh.
1 minute (default) 10.4
Portal.DefaultSolutionName Text Sets the default solution that will appear when user signs in to the portal. Solution name 10.3.1
Portal.HideCoraOrchestrationSolution Boolean Hides or shows the CoraOrchestration solution from the solution list in the portal.
  • True - to show the CoraOrchestration solution in the list
  • False (default) - to hide the CoraOrchestration solution
Portal.Azure.ApplicationInsights.InstrumentationKey Text Enables the user to connect to and use Azure Application Insights. Instrumentation Key 10.3
Portal.Components.Grid.PageSize Numeric/Integer Enables the user to enter the full-screen mode in the portal to maximize the page view.
  • 50 (default)
Portal.Forms.Conversations.IsModal Boolean Enables the user to access the case in the background.
  • True
  • False
Portal.Components.Workflows.Categories Boolean Displays the categories on workflows page
  • True (default)
  • False
 Portal.Navigation.LastLocation Boolean Enables the user to land in the portal on the same page where they left in their previous session.
  • True (default)
  • False
Portal.Components.ToastNotifications.Duration Numeric/Integer Number of seconds for which the toast notification will last.
  • 4 sec (default)
Portal.Session.SessionWarningCountdownTime Numeric/Integer Displays the session timeout warning in the set number of minutes before session timeout.
  • n minutes
Portal.Links.ContactUs Text Adds Contact Us link to Flowtime
  • URL of an external page
  • path to Contact Us page in Cora SeQuence
Portal.Links.PrivacyPolicy Text Adds Privacy Policy link to Flowtime
  • URL of an external page
  • Path to Privacy Policy page in Cora SeQuence

Grid settings

Set the path to the customized tile view. 

Key Type Description Value Version
Portal.Grid.TileTemplate.SearchResults Text Indicates the path to the custom layout of a collapsed/expanded tile in the search results grid.
For details, see this article.
Path to the file location.
For example, the path to the template of the Team Member grid:
[rootfolder]\Cora SeQuence\Flowtime\Shared Resources\Components\HotOperations\Flowtime\Templates\TeamMember\MYgrid-tile.html
Portal.Grid.TileTemplate.ProcessTasks Text Indicates the path to the custom layout of a collapsed/expanded tile in the tasks page.
For details, see this article.
Path to the file location.
For example, the path to the template of the Team Member grid:
[rootfolder]\Cora SeQuence\Flowtime\Shared Resources\Components\HotOperations\Flowtime\Templates\TeamMember\MYgrid-tile.html
Portal.Grid.TileTemplate.ProcessInstances Text Indicates the path to the custom layout of a collapsed/expanded tile in the process page tile view.
For V10.x: Go to All Cases > Select a specific workflow template > Select tile view
Path to the file location 9.2–10.x
Portal.Grid.TileTemplate.UserInstances Text Indicates the path to the custom layout of a collapsed/expanded tile in the Cases I Started page tile view. Path to the file location 9.2–10.x

Archive database

Initiate purging of the marked personal data while archiving.

Key Type Description Value Version 
JES.Archiving.PurgePiiDuringArchiving Boolean Initiates column purging of the marked personal data.
For details, see this article.
  • False: default, moves the personal data to the archive database.
  • True: purges all the personal data columns while moving them to the archive database.