Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Cora SeQuence Toolkit


The Cora SeQuence Toolkit helps you perform product installation and configuration tasks. 

The Toolkit includes a license request generator tool and the following configuration tools:

  • LDAP Query Tester
  • SMTP Tester - with basic authentication (username and password)
  • Port Testing
  • Encryption Tool

Run the Cora SeQuence Toolkit

  1. Download the Cora SeQuence Toolkit using your nexus repo credentials. If you don't have credentials, please contact to receive new credentials.
  2. Run the PNMsoft.Sequence.Toolkit.exe file. 

Activate your Cora SeQuence license 

The License Request Generator creates a license activation request file for Cora SeQuence.

You need to run the License Request Generator on the server where the Administrator site is deployed. 

The license file is valid only for the server on which the activation request was generated.


  • Initial product activation (first install).
  • Applying changes to license.


Before you run the License Request Generator, make sure that you have the product key. The product key is included in the product certificate.


  1. Run the Cora SeQuence Toolkit.
  2. Click License Request Generator.
  3. Enter your Cora SeQuence product key.
  4. Select the products that you need to activate, and then click Generate.
  5. Select a location to save the licenses, and then click Save
  6. Upload the license request file to the Cora SeQuence Activation Center.
  7. Download and extract the zipped license files.
  8. On the Cora SeQuence server, save the license files toC:\ProgramFiles\PNMsoft\Licensing\Data\.
    If you are updating existing licenses, saving the new files overwrites the old license files.

If the license activation procedure fails, contact Support with the failure details.

Do not change the configuration section for this tool in the Toolkit configuration file.

View LDAP query objects

With the LDAP Query Tester, you can view the returned objects for an LDAP query. Run this tool before you configure active directory synchronization with ADSS.

Only Microsoft On-Premise Active Directory is supported.


  • Verify the LDAP path and filter for Activate Directory settings in Cora SeQuence.


Before you begin, make sure that you: 

  • You have the LDAP server name or IP address
  • You have the required port number, if you cannot use the default.
    Default port numbers:
    • 389
    • 636 (Secured LDAP)
  • Check with your System Administrator if your system requires a secured LDAP connection.
  • Set up the user that performs that will access the Active Directory and performs the queries.
    The user needs to:
    • Have read access to the Active Directory.
    • Be in the same domain as the Active Directory. 


The purpose of this procedure is to build a query that returns only the objects that you want to sync into Cora SeQuence.

  1. Run the Cora SeQuence Toolkit.
  2. Click LDAP Query Tester.
  3. Enter the LDAP server name or IP.
  4. Leave the default port number as is, unless your system requires a different port number.
  5. Enter the LDAP path and filter.
  6. For a secured LDAP connection, select Enable SSL.
  7. Click Run Query.
    The results display in a grid.
  8. To save the results to a CSV file, click Export.

When you achieve the required results, make sure that you use the same path and filter in ADSS. 

Configure additional attributes

You can add additional attributes to the results of the query. By default, obejctCategory, name, and objectGuid are included.

  1. Open the PNMsoft.Sequence.Toolkit.exe.config file, and under <LDAPQueryTesterConfig><ADAttributes>, add a new key.
    <ADAttribute ADAttributeName="distinguishedName"/>
  • If the attribute does not exist, this configuration severely impacts the query response time.
  • Changes to the config file take effect only after you restart the Toolkit.

Test your SMTP settings

SMTP testing is not valid from V9.8.3 onwards.

The SMTP Tester checks if this server can send emails using the current SMTP settings.


  • Test SMTP connections.


Before you begin, make sure that you have:

  • The SMTP server name or IP address.
  • The SMTP port number, if required.
  • An email address you can access for testing.

Authentication: If the Anonymous authentication method is not allowed, make sure that you have the required credentials.


  1. Run the Cora SeQuence Toolkit.
  2. Click SMTP Tester.
  3. Enter the SMTP server name or IP.
  4. Leave the default port 25 as is, unless your SMTP server requires a different port number. 
  5. Enter the email address in the To field.
  6. To set authentication, do one of the following:
    • If the SMTP server allows anonymous access, select Anonymous.
    • If the SMTP server requires a different authentication method, enter the required user credentials.
  7. Click Send.
  8.  Review the result message and access the email inbox to verify that the test email arrived.

Configure email sender and subject line

You can configure additional email parameters in the Toolkit configuration file.

  1. Open the PNMsoft.Sequence.Toolkit.exe.config file, and under SMTPTesterConfig, edit the following parameters:
    • SMTPTesterConfig FromAddress
    • Subject
<SMTPTesterConfig FromAddress="" Subject="Test mail from Sequence Toolkit"/>

Test the TCP port connection

The Port Testing tool checks if the connection to a specific port is open on the local computer to the target server.


  • Run this tool to make sure that ports are open for communication with other servers and services, such as SQL and SMTP.


  • Make sure that you have the required server name and port number that you want to test.


  1. Run the Cora SeQuence Toolkit.
  2. Click Port Testing.
  3. Enter the server name or IP and port number, and then click Test.
  4. Review the resulting message.

Encrypt credentials

Run the Encryption Tool to encrypt user credentials and passwords.


  • Update the database connection string to a new SQL user in the web or application configuration files.


  1. Run the Cora SeQuence Toolkit.
  2. Click Encryption Tool.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To edit a connection string, select the ConnectString Encryption tab.
    • To encrypt a password only, select the Password Encryption tab.
  4. Enter the username and password in the text boxes, and then click Encrypt.
    The result is an encrypted string that appears in the text box at the bottom of the Encryption Tool.
  5. Use the copy button to copy all the encrypted text.

V7.x and later

The Cora SeQuence Toolkit helps you perform product installation and configuration tasks. You need to run the toolkit on a machine where Cora SeQuence is installed. 

When you run the tool, if you receive a system alert, click Run Anyway.

Download toolkit: using your nexus repo credentials. If you don't have credentials, Please contact to receive new credentials.