Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


File Listener Activity Overview


Use the File Listener Activity to listen to an external file storage system to determine whether a certain file exists. You can start or resume a dynamic workflow when a new file is saved to a specific location by using the file object in other workflow stages. Use the Get File Activity to import the file to Cora SeQuence.

Important Notes

  • Make sure the JES user has permission to start the workflow.
  • Make sure the credentials that you specified in the connection are valid.
  • The listener is executed in intervals, not at the moment a file is added to a folder.

Job Definition

When you define a job for the File Listener Activity, there are several configuration sections.

  • Job
  • Command
  • Advanced Options


IMPORTANT: You must select the Job is enabled checkbox for the File Listener Activity to execute. 


Command Tab Parameters

Connection to File Storage
Define a Connection to an External Storage System. The limitations and restrictions for the storage system you select also apply when you define this activity. For example, if the storage system supports forward slash (/) path separators, you can only use forward slashes when defining paths.
Source Path
  • Path to the folder that you want to listen to, that is located in the shared folder you defined in the connection to the external storage system. The source path is appended to the external storage system and base path. See the example below.
  • There are a couple of ways to define the source path. You must use forward slashes (/) when you define the file name.
  • Manually: type a target path in the text box.
  • Expression: define the target path from a previously returned value in the workflow, for example, a path returned from a Web Service Listener Activity.

Example: https://{externalstoragesystem}/{basepath}/Applications/Completed_Applications

File Pattern
  • The file search pattern for the files you want to download. For example, *.csv or myFile.txt.
  • The file pattern cannot contain brackets.
Post-Download Action
  • None
  • Delete (the file)
Duplicate Detection Method
Defines how Sequence detects duplicate files.
  • None: All files, including duplicates, are processed.
  • MD5: a hash function that converts file content into a fixed string of digits. This method defines files as duplicate according to file content.
  • File Metadata: Defines files as duplicate when the files' Modify Date and Created Date are the same.
  • File Path: Defines files as duplicate when the files' source path and file path are the same. This method ignores base path (defined in the connection to the external storage system).

Advanced Options

Defines the job execution schedule, including start, stop, repetition pattern, delayed start, and more.


When you copy or create a new version of a workflow that contains an File Listener activity, you need to delete the File Listener activity in the new workflow, and then set it up again.

Want to learn by doing? 
Check out this hands-on exercise.
Note that only internal users can access the link.