Genpact Cora Knowledge Center






An activity is a single step in a workflow. There are types of activities, including, Human, Data, Flow, Dynamics CRM, ERP Connectivity, File Transfer, Integration, Server side, SharePoint, and BPMN.


The area in the Administration site where administrators manage their organization's workflows, solutions, users and groups, monitor process metrics, edit the organizational tree, and control system-wide settings and data.


Active Directory Synchronization Service is a Windows service that enables Cora SeQuence to synchronize the organizational tree with your organization's Active Directory.

Allocation Plan

A set of logical rules that determine how the system automatically allocates work.

App Studio

The environment where designers build workflow applications. The App Studio includes a Visual Canvas, activities Toolbox, Properties panel, and other modeling and collaboration tools, such as, Swimlanes, Comments, Process Lab, and Source Control

Application kind (V9.x)

Site or Service

Application type (V9.x)

Administration, Flowtime, ADSS, BRS, JES, WebAPI



Business Process Management. The methodology that helps organizations model, implement, execute, monitor, and optimize their business processes.


Business Process Model and Notation. An industry standard notation for modeling BPM processes using flowchart shapes.


Background Runtime Service. A Windows service that is installed as part of Cora SeQuence. BRS runs in the background and performs important actions, such as redirect workflows, send emails, among others.

Build (V9.x)

Assembly of a Cora SeQuence application built from a list of selected modules. The result of a "build" is a Cora SeQuence Application package.

Build machine (V9.x)

A computer (typically a PC, but it can be a server) used to build Cora SeQuence applications.



Work unit that can include multiple processes, tasks, properties, analytics, and more.

Cora SeQuence application (V9.x)

An application that delivers Cora SeQuence functionality. There are six types of applications: Administration, Flowtime, ADSS, BRS, JES, and WebAPI.

Cora SeQuence application package (V9.x)

ZIP file that includes application files and folders required for the Cora SeQuence application.

Cora SeQuence deployment package (V9.x)

ZIP file that contains: A Cora SeQuence Application package, an XML metadata file describing the Cora SeQuence application package. It also includes an optional scripts folder with two files: preinstall.ps1: a custom PowerShell script to be executed before the Cora SeQuence application package is installed, and postinstall.ps1: a custom PowerShell script to be executed after the Cora SeQuence application package is installed.

Cora SeQuence module (V9.x)

A collection of universal packages—NuGets—that delivers Cora SeQuence out-of-the-box functionality.

Cora SeQuence SDK Tools (V9.x)

Installation package that includes the following elements: PowerShell Modules, Cora SeQuence NuGet packages, and VSIX (Visual Studio extension) that installs Cora SeQuence project templates


Data Model

Forms consist of a data model and a view. The data model defines a form's data structure, and is comprised of queries that retrieve and write data to data sources, such as Tables, Lookup Tables, Services, among others. The View describes how the form displays to end users.

Deployment process (V9.x)

The action of setting up an instance of a Cora SeQuence application on a target server.

Dual View

Enables IT and business teams to collaboratively model and design workflows on a single visual canvas. Business users can create simple models using BPMN activities and generic steps. IT teams can drill down into each step in the model and design functionality.

Dynamic Task

A task that can be retrieved by any member of the Resources group. This enables a more efficient work process in an ad hoc manner.



The Cora SeQuence runtime environment. Flowtime is the end-user portal where they can kickoff, manage, and monitor work on processes, and collaborate with team members. You can host Flowtime within SharePoint, or an independent web application.

Flowtime Lite

Flowtime Lite

Flowtime Lite portal is a Flowtime site application especially designed for the Lite users, mainly external users like customers' customers, who need to create and manage new cases and communicate on these cases via portal. The Lite users do not have access to other functionalities like Hot Operations and Analytics. The Flowtime Lite portal does not include the Hot Operations pages.


An online (web) form used in dynamic workflows. Generally, end users complete forms as part of the steps in a process.

Form Viewer web part

Enables the ability to display case data to end users in Flowtime.



Proprietary architecture on which Cora SeQuence is built. HotChange technology enables rapid, controlled change for all users; process designers, operations managers, and end users. You can make instantaneous changes on the production environment when necessary.


Enables advanced case management and work optimization. With HotOperations, operations managers can intelligently allocate work in real time to optimize outcomes such as cost and SLA. HotOperations is available for Cora SeQuence 8 and later.

HotOperations Portal

The role-specific UI where users manage work.



Refers to a single instance of a process in a dynamic workflow. In a typical day, end users run dozens of process instances. Each process instance has an ID that is used to uniquely identify it to users in Flowtime and Administration.



Jobs Execution Service. A Windows service that is installed as part of Cora SeQuence. This service enablese the Email Listener activity and jobs management.


Master Workflow

Central entity in Cora SeQuence that enables you to build the structure of a HotOperations solution. It is a set of connected steps, the goal of which is to complete a piece of work, such as resolve a case. Steps can be human-focused (e.g., forms, tasks, messages), or system-focused (e.g., integration with databases, ERP systems, CRM systems).


A Human activity that you can add to a dynamic workflow, in which a notification message is sent to a user or group of users. The message is sent to the users' Flowtime inbox and/or email inbox.


PowerShell function

Collection of code required to perform specific deployment actions, such as install applications, set authentication, or get service GUID.

PowerShell module

Unit that includes all correlated PowerShell functions.


The basic unit of a BPM solution in Cora SeQuence. The terms Process and Workflow are used interchangeably. Generally, workflow is associated with App Studio, and process is associated with Flowtime.

Process Lab

Enables developers to debug processes, experiment with processes, and perform scenario and simulation testing.


The mobile version of Flowtime.

Project template

Visual Studio template for building a Cora SeQuence application.



The individuals or groups in the organization that can work on cases and tasks.



Cora SeQuence CRM Edition. This version enables users to design and operate advanced workflows for Dynamics CRM.


Enables you to group together all workflows and artifacts related to a case. A solution includes a master workflow, and can also include sub-workflows, a shared data model, and shared variables.


A workflow added to an activity within a parent workflow. You can define how data is transferred between the two workflows (parent and sub). Sub-workflows help reduce complexity and enable workflow encapsulation and reuse.



A Human activity that you can add to a dynamic workflow. The Task activity includes two elements, a form and a message. Generally, end users receive a message when a task is assigned to them. The end users can fetch the task and complete the form. You can assign tasks to individual users or groups, and allocate them using various queue types.


Templates include common functions and features, or generaic scenarios for various verticals. Several templates are installed as part of the Sequence installation. The most common templates are workflow templates.


UX Studio

The environment where process designers create and edit forms. The UX Studio includes a visual editor, a control toolbox, a properties panel, and more.



Used to store case properties that users can view in the HotOperations portal. Users can quickly edit the properties of single or multiple cases. Variables are also used to determine how work is allocated according to the solution's Allocation Plan.


Forms consist of a data model and a view. The View describes how the form displays to end users. The data model defines a form's data structure, and is comprised of queries that retrieve and write data to data sources, such as Tables, Lookup Tables, Services, among others.



The basic unit of a BPM solution in Cora SeQuence. The terms Process and Workflow are used interchangeably. Generally, workflow is associated with with the Administration site, and process is associated with Flowtime.