Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Error When Logging Out of Flowtime (SharePoint 2013)


This information is relevant for environments with Windows-based authentication Flowtime on SharePoint 2013. When you log out of Flowtime, you receive the following error message.

Sorry, something went wrong.

ULS logs contain the following information.

Application error when access /_layouts/15/SignOut.aspx, Error=Exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' was thrown. Parameter name: encodedValue at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPClaimEncodingManager.DecodeClaimFromFormsSuffix(String encodedvalue).


This is a known bug in SharePoint.

Affected Versions



  1. Access IIS.
  2. Expand Sites > Flowtime > _layouts > 15.
  3. Switch to Content View.
  4. Locate the signout.aspx file.
  5. Right-click signout.aspx, and select Switch to Features View.
  6. Double-click Authentication.
  7. Disable all options, except Anonymous Authentication.
  8. Perform IISReset.

Repeat this procedure on every Flowtime server.

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