Starting with V10.0, Cora SeQuence has been renamed to Cora Orchestration.
Basic Expressions
Scenario | Expression | Return Value Type |
Use value from the txt1 field from the query DataTable1 that is used in Form1. | {Form1}.Query("DataTable1")["txt1"] | String |
Use value from imported data models. | {Form1}.Query("ref:ns0/Form1")["Field1"] | Integer |
Retrieve workflow metadata, such as the workflow instance ID. This example returns the current workflow ID using the Wf syntax. | Wf.workflowInstanceId | Integer |
Boolean expression, query if a numeric text box value is greater than 10, and the text box field type is int. | {Form1}.Query("DataTable1")["Num1"] > 10 | Boolean |
Boolean expression, query if a combo selected item text equals a value. | {Form1}.Query("DataTable1")["localization"] = "en-UK" | Boolean |
Use SQL statement. | {SQL: select top 1 fldid from tblitems} | N/A |
Use activity properties.
This example uses the "CreatedAt" attribute to return the date on which an activity was created. |
{Form1}.CreatedAt | DateTime |
Use an expression in a message field. | Dear User, Please note that the employee { {Form1}.CreatedBy.DisplayName } | String |
Use runtime values in forms. This example returns the user's display name. | rt.CurrentUser.DisplayName | String |
Access the properties of an attachment, regardless of where it is stored.
Available from V9.2 |
{Form1}.Query("UACT1").Include("AttachmentField") | String |
Retrieve the full content of the body of the email | {ICM Email Listener}.Email.PreviewBodyHtml | String |
Retrieve only the HTML text without images, embedded images, or base64 images | {ICM Email Listener}.Email.BodyHtml | String |
Check if a Task is already fetched, and if fetched, then retrieve all the details of the user who has fetched it.
Available from V10.2 |
{Task1}.FetchedBy | Object
For example: (PNMsoft.Sequence.Obs.UserView) Returns Null if task is not fetched. |
Check if a value exists in a list of values.
Available from V10.4 NOTE
! operator is not supported with In and Not In operators. |
{Form1}.Query("query1")["Field1"] In ("value1", "value2", "value3")
OR {Form1}.Query("query1")["Field1"] Not In ("value1", "value2", "value3") |
For example, the In expression returns True if value exists in the list, and returns False if value doesn't exist. |
Intermediate Expressions
Scenario | Expression | Return Value Type |
Check if an activity was created. | {ActivityX}<>NULL | Boolean |
Get the number of times an activity was created in a workflow instance (only when the activity is not null). | {ActivityX}.Scope().Count() | Integer |
Concatenate strings. | {Form1}.Query("DataTable1")["txt1"] +
{Form1}.Query("DataTable1")["txt2"] |
String |
Use a SQL expression with process values. | ToInt32({SQL: select claimValue from claims where flddate = { {Form1}.Query("DataTable1")["RequestData"] } }) | According to casting. The default is String. |
Check if all the tasks for an activity were completed. | {Task1}.Tasks.All(IsCompleted) | Boolean |
Query response XML using XPath, and obtain x value from an XML. | XPathSelectValue({Consumer1}.RequestXml,"//*[local-name()='x']")
OR XPathSelectElement({Consumer1}.RequestXml,"//*[local-name()='x']").Value XPathSelectElements({Consumer1}.RequestXml,"//*[local-name()='x']").First().Value |
String |
To access a multiple records form, use the reserved word "Row" following the index number of the row we want to access.
Row(0) indicates the first row. Row(x) indicates a specific row. |
{form1}.Query("DataTable1").where(Field("txt1") = "John")
{form1}.Query("DataTable1").Row(3).field("txt1") {form1}.Query("DataTable1").Last().field["txt1"] |
String |
Use an IIF expression. This example returns text if this is the fifth iteration of an activity. | IIF( {Activity}.scope().count() =5, "This is the fifth iteration", "") | String |
Get advanced parameters from runtime.
The first example returns the headeritemKey parameter in the current parameter HttpHeader. The second example returns the ItemID parameter in the current runtime query string. |
Integer |
Add a line break to an expression. | <your first line> + string.Concat(Convert.ToChar(13),Convert.ToChar(10)) + <your second line> | N/A |
Verify that all recipients have approved a task. | { Task1 }.Tasks.Where(Query("DefaultView").field("approval")==true).count()={ Task1}.Tasks.count() | Boolean |
Sum the column of a grid that is a numeric value. | {Form1}.Query("GridItems").Sum(Field("Amount")) | Integer |
Execute a SQL statement that returns a scalar. | {SQL: select fldEmpName from tblEmployees where fldEmployeeId = 724} | Primitive |
Calculate a date based on the working days of a configured calendar. | CalendarDateAdd(rt, wf.CreatedBy.CalendarId, "dd", 10, Now()) | DateTime |
Check if the email received is an autoreply.
Available from V10.4 |
{Email Listener}.IsAutoReply | Boolean |
Advanced Expressions
Scenario | Expression | Return Value Type |
Create a JSON string from a JSON object, and apply the Camel Case style on key names. Available from V10.7.1 | JsonString("CamelCase, KeepNullValues", JsonValue(ToString("{""FirstName"":""John"", ""Age"":31, ""city"":null}"))) | String For example: { "firstName": "John", "age": 31, "city": null } |
Extract the user readable text as a string from an HTML content. Remove all HTML elements, CSS and Script sections. Break lines are not retained.
Available from V10.6 |
String |
Convert a JSON structure into key or value array.
Available from V10.6 |
JsonValue(ToString("{name:" + '"' +"John" + '"' +", age:31, city:" + '"' +"New York" + '"' +"}"))
Array of JsonValue objects (key, value)
Get the value from a JSON structure by key.
Available from V10.6 |
JsonValue(ToString("{name:" + '"' +"John" + '"' +", age:31, city:" + '"' +"New York" + '"' +"}")).age.value
Object |
Create a JSON string from a JSON object, exclude the null values.
Available from V10.6 |
JsonString(JsonValue(ToString("{name:" + '"' +"John" + '"' +", age:31, city:null}")))
Line string
For example: {"name":"John","age":31} |
Create a JSON string from a JSON object, exclude the null values, apply automatic indentation.
Available from V10.6 |
JsonString("Indented", JsonValue(ToString("{name:" + '"' +"John" + '"' +", age:31, city:null}")))
For example: { "name": "John", "age": 31} |
Create a JSON string from a JSON object, keep the null values, apply automatic indentation.
Available from V10.6 |
JsonString("KeepNullValues,Indented", JsonValue(ToString("{name:" + '"' +"John" + '"' +", age:31, city:null}")))
For example: { "name": "John", "age": 31, "city": null} |
Get values from the last iteration of a loop, and return an empty string if it is the first loop. | IIF({Task1}=NULL, null, TryElse({Task1}.Scope().At({Task1}.Scope().Count()-1).Query("DefaultView")["txt1"],0)) | String |
When you loop on a form with a grid and want to take only one row value at a time, and only if the row is check box is selected. | {MainForm}.Query("GridItems").where(Field("chkSelectedTender") = true).Select(Field("fldid")).At({Activity2}.Scope().Count()-1) | Depends on the field content |
Count the number of rows in a grid form that meet a certain condition. | {mainForm}.Query("GridItems").where(Field("chkSelected") = true).Count() | Integer |
Search the response for the first available user in the Web Service Consumer response. | {Activity1}.ReturnValue.Where(STATUS = “available”).First() | String |
Add multiple attachments to a message from a grid. | {Activity Name}.Query("Grid Name").Select(field("AttachmentFieldName")) | Array of Attachments |
Constructor invocation | new Uri("") | Uri object |
Convert special characters to the escaped representation. | Uri.UnescapeDataString(Uri.EscapeDataString("Test%%")) | String |
Array creation and initialization | new String[] { "a", "b", "c"} | Array of strings |
Display an expression result in String format to two decimal places. | ToSingle({Prepare and Submit Expense Claim}.Query("ref:FormViews/ExpenseLines").Select(Field("VAT")).Sum()).ToString("000.00") ToSingle({Form5}.Query("Form5")["Age"]).ToString("000.00") |
String |
Find all user IDs of users that submitted a given task. | Join({Task1}.Scope().SelectMany(Tasks).where(IsCompleted).Select(UpdatedBy.UserId),";") | Array of user IDs |
Return the last day of the current calendar year. | ToDateTime({SQL: SELECT convert(varchar,DATEADD(yyyy, { SQL: SELECT DATEPART(yyyy, { Now() }) } - 1899, -1), 103) + ' 12:00 AM'})
Date |
Regex Expressions (Available from V10.7.1)
Scenario | Expression | Return Value Type |
Indicates whether the specified regular expression finds a match in the specified input string.
Regex.IsMatch(String, String)
Regex.IsMatch(String, String, Regex.RegexOptions) |
For example: Regex.IsMatch("hello", "h.llo" ) --> expected result: true. |
Searches the specified input string for the first occurrence of the specified regular expression. | Regex.Match(String, String)
Regex.Match(String, String, Regex.RegexOptions) |
Number |
Searches an input string for all occurrences of a regular expression and returns all the matches. | Regex.Matches(String, String)
Regex.Matches(String, String, Regex.RegexOptions) |
Array of numbers |
In a specified input string, replaces strings that match a regular expression pattern with a specified replacement string. |
Regex.Replace(String, String, String)
Regex.Replace(String, String, String, Regex.RegexOptions) |
For example: regex.Replace("hello world", "world", "there") --> result: "hello there" |
Splits an input string into an array of substrings at the positions defined by a regular expression match. |
Regex.Split(String, String)
Regex.Split(String, String, Regex.RegexOptions) |
Array of strings
For example: regex.Split("apple,banana,orange", ",") --> ["apple", "banana", "orange"] Regex.split("apple,banana,orange\n,PEar", "e", ToInt32(regexoptions.ignorecase) | ToInt32(regexoptions.singleline)) --> ["appl", ",banana,orang", "\n,P", "ar"] |
Code Editor Limitation
Inline styles: Because Cora SeQuence identifies {} as part of an expression, to create a valid HTML code for inline styles, you need to add an additional tag to your code— “{“ } .
For example, see below how to set up a style that applies the color green to your text:
Regular HTML | HTML with workaround |
<style> .aa { color: green; } </style |
<style> .aa { “{“ } color: green; } </style |