Returns all items that a user has permission to view for a specific workflow space. Although this call returns data, to support the numerous parameters, this call uses a POST method.
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PageSize | integer | optional | Number of records returned on a page. |
PageNum | integer | optional | Number of the page to retrieve records for. |
ContextMenuId | string | optional | Name of menu for the item. |
IgnoreUserTime | boolean | optional | Engine time or user time. |
SortDirection | enum | optional | desc = 0, asc = 1 |
SortField | string | optional | Name of field by which to sort the returned processes. |
FilterExpression | object | optional | Expression by which to filter. |
WorkflowInstanceState | enum | optional | Open = 0, Closed = 1 |
WorkflowSpaceId | guid | optional | GUID of the process. |
Example Request
$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://server:port/Flowtime_vti_bin/Flowtime/ProcessInstancesService.svc/GetData", data: JSON.stringify( { request: { "PageSize":20, "PageNum":1, "ContextMenuId":"default", "IgnoreUserTime":false, "SortDirection":1, "SortField":"InstanceId", "FilterExpression":{}, "WorkflowInstanceState":0, "WorkflowSpaceId":"37bc4c4d-d5d7-4762-a433-76e905fcd0a7", } }), headers: { "uiculture": "en-GB", "culture": "en-GB", "theme": "/Flowtime/Shared Resources/Themes/Sequence8/", "X-SqXsrfToken":xsrf, "config": "Portal" }, dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function (data) { alert("Return: "+data.CurrentRows+" Items from "+data.TotalRows+" Items.\n The first InstanceId is: "+data.Items[0].InstanceId+"."); }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); } });
Response Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
CurrentRows | integer | Number of items returned. |
Items | array | List of items returned. Each item contains properties as defined in the config file, for example {WorkflowInstance:1 ,[etc.]}. |
TotalRows | integer | Number of total items in the system. |