Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Cora SeQuence Authentication Methods

Starting with V10.0, Cora SeQuence has been renamed to Cora Orchestration.

V9.x and later


Authentication  is the process used to verify the identity of a person, service, or device that wants to access data, resources, or applications. Authentication validates the identity and establishes a trust relationship for further interactions. There are several authentication methods, depending on network settings, operating system, and connection types.

Authentication scenarios

There are mainly three authentication scenarios. 

  • Human to machine communication: users need to provide credentials to access Cora SeQuence resources.
  • External services to Cora SeQuence: external services or applications need to authenticate themselves to consume Cora SeQuence resources.   
  • Cora SeQuence to external services: Cora SeQuence needs to authenticate itself to consume external services.

Human to machine authentication

In this scenario, the authentication process can be configured to use username and password, or with single-sign on (SSO). Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication process that allows a user to sign in once and access several applications.

VersionProtocols/methodsDescriptionSSO support
Earlier than 8.0Windows AuthenticationProcess to prove the authenticity of a user or service attempting to access Windows. Kerberos and NTLM 
Earlier than 8.0WS-Federation

With this method, a Security Token Service (STS) in one trust domain provides authentication information to an STS in another trust domain when there is a trust relationship between the two domains.
Support ended since V9.6
8.5SAML 2.0

XML-based protocol that uses security tokens containing assertions to pass information about a principal (usually an end user) between a SAML authority, named an Identity Provider, and a SAML consumer, named a Service Provider.SSO configuration supports SP and IDP-initiated Single Sign-On POST Binding flow.
8.6.2OpenID ConnectAuthentication layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. With OpenID Connect, clients verify the identity of end-users based on the authentication performed by an authorization server, and obtain basic profile information about the connecting end-user in an interoperable and REST-like manner.

Authorization Code Flow only
Earlier than 8.0Username/Password  Cora SeQuence built-in authentication method.  -- only for  unsecured development environment -- only for post installation procedures to configure Sequence users for example.Non-SSO
Earlier than 8.0BasicAuthentication scheme built onto the HTTP protocol. The client sends the user name and password as unencrypted base64 encoded text.Non-SSO
Earlier than 8.0AnonymousProcess that allows a user to log in to a website without credentials. Non-SSO
Earlier than 8.0CustomAuthentication methods configured to match specific customer or service requirements.Non-SSO

External services to Cora SeQuence 

Earlier than 8.0Windows Authentication
8.7OAuth 2.0 (bearer token in the authorization header)
Earlier than 8.0Basic
Earlier than 8.0Anonymous
Earlier than 8.0Custom

Cora SeQuence to external services

On-behalf-of Flow
Azure Service Bus

Shared Access Signature and Access Control Service

(Azure AD)

Database Listener

Authentication is part of the specific database connection string.

Email Listener

HTTP Consumer 
V9.8.3 and later
REST Consumer

WCF Consumer

Web Service Consumer

File Writer 

SAP RFC Consumer

CRM activities

Unless indicated, the authentication protocol is supported since the release of the specific activity.

V8.6.2 and earlier


Authentication  is the process used to verify the identity of a person, service, or device that wants to access data, resources, or applications. Authentication validates the identity and establishes a trust relationship for further interactions. There are several authentication methods, depending on network settings, operating system, and connection types.

Authentication scenarios

There are mainly three authentication scenarios. 

  • Human to machine communication: users need to provide credentials to access Cora SeQuence resources.
  • External services to Cora SeQuence: external services or applications need to authenticate themselves to consume Cora SeQuence resources.   
  • Cora SeQuence to external services: Cora SeQuence needs to authenticate itself to consume external services.

Human to machine authentication

In this scenario, the authentication process can be configured to use username and password, or with single-sign on (SSO). Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication process that allows a user to sign in once and access several applications.

VersionProtocols/methodsDescriptionSSO support
Earlier than 8.0Windows AuthenticationProcess to prove the authenticity of a user or service attempting to access Windows. Kerberos and NTLM 
Earlier than 8.0WS-Federation

With this method, a Security Token Service (STS) in one trust domain provides authentication information to an STS in another trust domain when there is a trust relationship between the two domains. 
8.5SAML 2.0

XML-based protocol that uses security tokens containing assertions to pass information about a principal (usually an end user) between a SAML authority, named an Identity Provider, and a SAML consumer, named a Service Provider.SSO configuration supports SP and IDP-initiated Single Sign-On POST Binding flow.
8.6.2OpenID ConnectAuthentication layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. With OpenID Connect, clients verify the identity of end-users based on the authentication performed by an authorization server, and obtain basic profile information about the connecting end-user in an interoperable and REST-like manner.

Authorization Code Flow only
Earlier than 8.0Username/Password  Cora SeQuence built-in authentication method.  -- only for  unsecured development environment -- only for post installation procedures to configure Sequence users for example.Non-SSO
Earlier than 8.0BasicAuthentication scheme built onto the HTTP protocol. The client sends the user name and password as unencrypted base64 encoded text.Non-SSO
Earlier than 8.0AnonymousProcess that allows a user to log in to a website without credentials. Non-SSO
Earlier than 8.0CustomAuthentication methods configured to match specific customer or service requirements.Non-SSO

External services to Cora SeQuence 

Earlier than 8.0Windows Authentication
8.7OAuth 2.0 (bearer token in the authorization header)
Earlier than 8.0Basic
Earlier than 8.0Anonymous
Earlier than 8.0Custom

Cora SeQuence to external services

Azure Service Bus

Shared Access Signature and Access Control Service
Database Listener

Authentication is part of the specific database connection string.
Email Listener

HTTP Consumer 
REST Consumer

WCF Consumer

Web Service Consumer

File Writer 

SAP RFC Consumer

CRM activities

Note: Unless indicated, the authentication protocol is supported since the release of the specific activity.