Genpact Cora Knowledge Center



V9.x and later


SVCLOG trace files preserve logs for diagnostic and debugging purposes. This logging feature is enabled for each execution engine, from its respective configuration file.

  • Administration site
  • Flowtime site
  • Background Runtime Service
  • Job Execution Service

The trace files are created in the path that you specify in the traceDirectory parameter in the configuration file.

Creating SVCLOG files consumes server resources, such as disk space and CPU time. We recommend that you enable this logging feature for a limited time, and closely monitor server performance.

Each SVCLOG has a source and a switch, which are required for creating a log file successfully. The source determines the kind of log to be created, eventViewer, SVC trace, or Database, and for which component, Runtime execution, Jobs execution, or HotOperations execution plan). The switch for each SVCLOG source should be turned on for the source to work.

The initializeData property in SVCLOG files determines what kind of events to collect. In the eventViewer trace logs, it determines the scope of messages from the application to display.
It can be set to the following: 

  • All: shows all the messages from the component.
  • Warning: shows both error and warning messages.
  • Error: shows only the error messages.


  • If workflow execution is always enabled, for example, in development or testing environments, we recommend that you add a scheduled task that deletes obsolete log files.
  • We recommend that you use the same path for the log files (this is not required).
  • Use a service trace viewer tool to open the SVCLOG trace files.
  • When you add the configuration sections to the config files, make sure you use the appropriate product version. If you have Cora SeQuence 7.x, use If you have Cora SeQuence 8.x, use, and so on.

Enable SVCLOG tracing

  1. Open the appropriate configuration file for the execution engine for which, you want to create SVCLOG trace files.
  2. Edit the configuration file.
    1. Locate the relevant section (see the execution engine configuration files below).
    2. Update the traceDirectory path.
    3. Remove the comment-out syntax by removing <!-- and -->
    4. Save the configuration file.
  3. Restart the service, BRS or JES.
    When you save a web.config file, the site automatically resets. You do not have to run IISReset.

Disable SVCLOG tracing

  1. Open the appropriate configuration file for the execution engine for which, you want to disable SVCLOG tracing.
  2. Edit the configuration file.
    1. Locate the relevant section (see the execution engine configuration files below).
    2. Add the comment-out syntax by adding <!-- and -->.
    3. Save the configuration file.
  3. Restart the service, BRS or JES.
    When you save a web.config file, the site automatically resets. You do not have to run IISReset.

Make sure while configuring the SVCLOG that the user running the services has access to the trace directory.

Available SVCLOG files

Log nameDescriptionComponentsSyntax
SVC runtime logAudits the execution process, the result of if-else activities, and other activities' executions. It also displays the claims authentication process and the claims that return from the identity provider.
For details, see this article.
  • Flowtime
  • Administration
  • JES
  • BRS
  • WebAPI
<source name="sequence.runtime" switchName="sequence.runtime.switch" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
          <remove name="Default" />
          <add name="EventLogListener" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListenerEx, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" initializeData="JES">
            <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="Error" />
          <!--<add name="sequence.runtime" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Diagnostics.SvcFormatWorkflowRuntimeTraceListener, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" traceDirectory="" />-->

<add name="sequence.runtime.switch" value="All" />
SVC host logAudits the launch of the Cora SeQuence engine and stop state.
  • Flowtime
  • Administration
  • JES
  • BRS
  • WebAPI
<source name="" switchName="" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
          <add name="HostLog" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Diagnostics.SvcFormatWorkflowRuntimeTraceListener, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" traceDirectory="c:\logs\jes" />
          <remove name="Default" />

<add name="" value="All" />
SVC jobs logAudits all jobs executed by JES and their status.
For example, all steps of the email listener job, until an email is retrieved.
  • JES
<source name="" switchName="" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
          <remove name="Default" />
          <add name="EventLogListener" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListenerEx, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" initializeData="JES">
            <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="Error"/>
          <add name="" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Diagnostics.SvcFormatWorkflowRuntimeTraceListener, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" traceDirectory="c:\logs\jes" />

<add name="" value="All" />
SVC HotOperations logAudits the execution of the HotOperations plan, evaluation of the allocation rules, and the teams the case goes to following the evaluation.
  • Flowtime
  • Administration
  • JES
  • BRS
  • WebAPI

<source name="sequence.hotoperations" switchName="sequence.hotoperation.switch" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
          <add name="hotopseventlog" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListenerEx, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" initializeData="Flowtime Stand-alone">
            <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="All" />
          <add name="HostLog"
                type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Diagnostics.SvcFormatWorkflowRuntimeTraceListener, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1"
          <remove name="Default" />

<add name="sequence.authorization.switch" value="Warning" />
SVC Kafka logsAudits Kafka activity with Cora SeQuence.
  • Flowtime
  • Administration
  • JES
  • BRS
  • WebAPI

<source name="sequence.kafkaLogs" switchName="KafkaLogsSwitch" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
          <add name="traceListener" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Diagnostics.SvcFormatWorkflowRuntimeTraceListener, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" traceDirectory="C:\Logs\kafka" />
          <remove name="Default" />

<add name="KafkaLogsSwitch" value="ALL" />
OBS traceCollects all information related to the user or the group management in Cora SeQuence.
  • Administration

<source name="sequence.obsTracing" switchName="ObsTracingSwitch" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
          <add name="DbListener" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Diagnostics.BlockingTraceListener, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" traceData="tblTraceObs" />
          <remove name="Default" />

<add name="ObsTracingSwitch" value="All" />
AuthorizationSaves Cora SeQuence failed authentications or access requests in the database.
  • Flowtime
  • Administration
  • JES
  • BRS
  • WebAPI

<source name="sequence.authorization" switchName="sequence.authorization.switch" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch">
          <remove name="Default" />
          <add traceData="tblTraceAuthorization" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Diagnostics.BlockingTraceListener, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" name="DbListener" />

<add name="sequence.authorization.switch" value="Warning" />
SVC import logsCollects and displays the list of objects imported during workflow import, including errors that occurred during import.
  • Administration
Saved automatically under
shared resources/import logs
SVC wcf traceCollects and displays the errors captured from the Cora SeQuence WCF service.
  • Flowtime
  • Administration
  • JES
  • BRS
  • WebAPI

<source name="System.ServiceModel"  switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing" propagateActivity="true">
          <add name="traceListener"  type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData= "C:\Logs\WCF\Traces.svclog" />

<add name="XmlSerialization.Compilation" value="4"/>

The following Powershell functions can enable the SVC Runtime log and SVC Jobs log respectively in the Cora SeQuence 9.X installation: