With interconnected combo boxes, user input for a combo box determines the values for subsequent combo boxes. For example, if a user needs to define an address in a form, the first combo box requires the user to select a country. The next combo box requires the user to select a city. If you interconnect the combo boxes, the country that the user selects determines the city combo box values.
Make sure you create at least two combo boxes in a form.
- For the first combo box, from the Properties panel, select the AutoPostBack check box.
- Create a function to clear the second combo box.
- Call this function on the OnClientSelectedIndexChanging and OnClientKeyPressing events for the first combo box.
- For the second combo box, from the Properties panel, select the EnableAutomaticLoadOnDemand check box.
- Add where logic to filter the second combo box's data source control based on the first combo box selection.
- For table-based combo boxes, add a "where" expression in the DataSource, and a WhereParameters section.
- For service-based combo boxes, add only a WhereParameters section. Define the service ds parameter value as :@[parameter name in WhereParameter] and the Mask = "ln".
<script type="text/javascript"> function ClearCities(sender, eventArgs) { var clientId = $sq("[id$='_CitiesComboBox']") [0].id; var citiesCombo = $find(clientId); citiesCombo.get_items().clear(); citiesCombo.set_text(""); } </script> <asp:UpdatePanel runat="server"><ContentTemplate> <sq:ComboBox runat="server" ID="CountriesComboBox" DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="fldID" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="CountriesDataSource" OnClientSelectedIndexChanging="ClearCities" OnClientKeyPressing="ClearCities" </sq:ComboBox> <sq:ComboBox runat="server" ID="CitiesComboBox" DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="fldID" EnableAutomaticLoadOnDemand="True" DataSourceID="CitiesDataSource" </sq:ComboBox> <sq:DataSource runat="server" ID="CountriesDataSource" QueryName="Countries"> </sq:DataSource> <sq:DataSource runat="server" ID="CitiesDataSource" QueryName="Cities" where="Convert.ToInt32 (it["CountryId"])=Convert.ToInt32 (@CountryId)"> <WhereParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlId="CountriesComboBox" Name="CountryId" /> </WhereParameters> </sq:DataSource> </ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel>