Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Database Maintenance Cleanup



The database holds a lot of data for internal use only, that occupies a lot of space in the DB and impedes the system performance. For example, the UACT tables where data becomes useless after the instance is closed.

The scheduler jobs perform routine cleanup tasks in the DB, thus optimizing the DB storage and enhancing the system performance.

DB cleanup scheduler jobs

Following are the DB cleanup scheduler system jobs:

Job Description
Job Run History Cleanup Removes tail items from the job run history log.
Maintenance Log Cleanup Removes tail items from the system maintenance log.
Portal User History Cleanup Removes tail items from the Portal user history.
Backend Activities Data Cleanup Removes data from the Service and Error Handler activities tables of completed instances that are moved to the closed tables.
SSB Cleanup Removes inactive SQL Service Broker (SSB) queues.

Configure DB cleanup system jobs

In the Administration site, go to Administration>Global Settings>Jobs Management, and click Add Job.


  • Name: The name of the job.
  • Description: A description of the job.


Set the command parameters.

  • Retention days: 90 (default). The days for which the job data will be retained.
  • Batch size: 100 (default). The job batch size.
  • Iteration delay seconds: 0 (default). The delay in iteration.


Set the advanced parameters.

  • Repeats by: custom. The frequency at which the job will be repeated.
  • Frequency: daily (default). The frequency at which the job will be executed.
  • Job start and end time: You can set the date and time at which the job starts and ends.
  • Delay job start: no delay (default). You can set the delay time for the job to start.
  • Stop job if it executes more than: 30 minutes (default). 
  • If the job is running do not start next job: TRUE (default).