Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Get Activity Details When Running as ESC Activity

Use the API to get activity details when you run the activity as an ESC activity.

IWorkflowEngine engine = WorkflowRuntime.Engine;
            ActivityExecutionContext actExeContx = ActivityExecutionContext.Current;
            WorkflowInstance wfinstance = actExeContx.WorkflowInstance;
            StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
            content.Append("Current user: " + engine.GetCurrentUser     
            ().CurrentUserInfo.DisplayName + " ");
                TimeSpan ts = wfinstance.CreatedAt - System.DateTime.Now;
                content.Append("Workflow Instance Duration: " + ts.Hours + " ");
                content.Append("Source Activity Alias: " + 
                actExeContx.Activity.SourceActivities[0].Alias + " ");
                content.Append("Source Activity Instance ID: " +
                actExeContx.CurrentInstance.SourceActivityInstanceId + " ");
               return true;