Cora OpsManager offers multi-language support for email communication related to a case. The email templates offer support, for sending email in the preferred language per inbox.
For inboxes, the language of each inbox is defined in MailRoutingConfig lookup.
When an auto email is sent, the system checks the following:
- The template defined for the config set. In case no template is found, the email is not sent.
- The communication language of the inbox.
- The matching template in preferred language as defined in email template on Cora OpsManager Admin console.
If matching language template is not found, by default English template is used.
Following is the subject template of an auto email:
<case id><Subject in the matching language><Case subject>
Before sending an auto email, the system checks the following:
- The subject based on the kind of email the system needs to send, Creation, pending closure, or reject.
- The subject in preferred language. If the subject in the preferred language is not found, the English template is used. If there is no English template available, the email is not sent.
To define subject of email in preferred language:
- Go to Administration > Lookup Tables > AutomatedEmailSubjects.
- Add the following for each record (Creation, pending closure, and reject).
- Type: Creation, pending closure or reject.
- Subject: the subject for this type of email in the required language.
- Language