Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Configure the Flowtime Website


You configure the Flowtime site to provide users with the smooth functionality and usability. You can customize the pages to comply with your organization's branding policies, add or edit existing pages, set up functionality that fit existing processes, and configure new menus and submenus.  

Configuration files

After you install the Flowtime site, you can configure the following files:

File typeDescriptionLocation
web.configControls settings, such as culture, theme, and database connection.
For example, you can set the Flowtime website language by editing the following key:
<globalization culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" fileEncoding="utf-8" />
Application root folder
ASPXDefine the appearance and functionality of each page in the Flowtime website.
For example, the MyTasks.aspx file defines the Inbox page.
Application root folder
Control TemplateThe Flowtime website is assembled from pages that host the user controls.
For example, UserMessagesGridControl.ascx is used to display the User Messages grid.
Configuration example: View article on how to add the form viewer control to a Flowtime page.
[Site physical path]\_CONTROLTEMPLATES\Flowtime
Default.configDefines the navigation menu links in the Flowtime website.
You can edit links, set the URL of each link, and add links to new pages.
[Site physical path]\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands
ServiceMetada configSet of config files that define the display of columns for each grid.
For example, the setting for Messages grid columns is defined in the MessagesServiceMetadata.Portal.Config file. Files with the word Portal in the file name are the files that define grids in the Flowtime website.
[Site physical path]\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\ServiceMetadata

Add a new page

  1. Create an ASPX file in the site root folder.
  2. Rename the file using a meaningful name.
  3. Open and edit the file.


In this example, we display the Group Messages Grid control and Form Viewer control on the new page MyPage.aspx. The Form Viewer control enables you to add any form view to a page without referencing a specific process. The sections we added are highlighted.

For the controls to work, you need to add a <Register> tag for each control on the page that you add. You can find these links in the Flowtime Application in the IIS.

If you add custom code to the page, set it to inherit the PortalBasePage class at PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.dll.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs"
Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.Default" AutoEventWireup="true"
<%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
 <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="FormViewerControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/FormViewerControl.ascx" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
	  <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
 <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
 runat="server" />

 <sq:FormViewerControl ID="ReportsView"
 runat="server" />

Add a page that includes a dashboard

  1. Access the ASPX file that you created in the root folder.
  2. Add the following AnalyticsDashboardControl declaration.
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
     Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/AnalyticsDashboardControl.ascx" %>
  3. Add the following markup to the page.
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
        <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl" Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>
  4. Configure the following properties.
    DataStreamNameName of the dashboard suite you are using.
    LayoutName of the dashboard from the dashboard suite that you want to display
    TransportBy default, the Transport is flowtime. Only advanced users should modify this property.
  5. (Optional) Configure the follow properties as necessary.
    ThemeNameBy default, ThemeName is Default. The other valid value is Compact.
    ModeBy default, Mode is Auto. The other valid values are Fixed and Fluid. This affects the dashboard layout, whether it is fixed, fluid, or set automatically.
  6. (Optional) Advanced users can configure the following properties as necessary.
    Table Title
    ParametersCan include different context parameters, such as SolutionId of a HotOperations solution, and so on. For this to work, users should inherit the code-behind from specific classes.
    DataStreamsURLPoints to the data stream's Web service.

The final ASPX file contains the following markup.

<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
      <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>

Change the workflow selection mode in the Process page

  1. In the Flowtime folder, go to \Shared Resources\Components\WorkflowExplorer\Config.
  2. Edit in Notepad++ the WorkflowExplorer.config file.
  3. Edit the following UI tag in the file:
    <ui showSideBar="True" showTopBar="True" sideBarInitialState="expanded" stageBarLocation="Inline" commandsUI="CommandsUI.Default" />
  4. Add workflowTreeSelectionMode="Last” parameter to the tag.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Restart the IIS server.

Add a link to navigation menu

In this example, you add a link to a custom My Tasks page.

  1. Open the Default.config file.
  2. Under <ControlTable> <Menu Id="Portal><Items>, add a new menu to the <MenuItem> section, as follows.
      Text="My Page"
      Tooltip="MY Page">
  3. Under <CommandTable>, add a new NavigateToUrlCommand section with the URL of the target page.
  4. Perform IIS Reset, and refresh the homepage.

Set an image for the menu item

Each menu item includes an image. You define the image attribute in the MenuItem section.

 If you don't define a specific image, a default image is displayed next to the menu item.

You can use one of the following methods to define the menu item image property:

  • A regular image path.
    For example: Image="Flowtime/Images/Menu/Processes.png"
  • An icon ID taken from this list.
    For example: Image="sqpi-Airplane"

Reorder menu items

You can change the order of the menu items, by adding the Sequence attribute.


Add a submenu

The Flowtime site menu can include up to two menu levels. 

In this example, you add two submenu items to the Processes menu item. 

  1. Open the Default.config file.
  2. In a new or existing MenuItem section, add the property SubMenuId="Processes".
    This setting links the submenu to the correct menu item.
  1. To define the submenu, add a new Menu tag that includes the new submenu items.
    For example:
    <Menu Id="Processes">

Make sure that the command that you specify exists under the “CommandTable” tag.

  1. To highlight the selected submenu item, on the MyTasks.aspx page, add the following properties:
    • MenuId
    • SelectedMenuItemId


<%@ Page Title="My Tasks" ResourceTitle="MyTasks" IconId="sqpi-MyTasks" MenuId="Portal" SubMenuId="MyTasks" SelectedMenuItemId="ProcessesIStarted" SelectedSubMenuItemId="MyTasks"

Resulting menu

Following the configuration described in the example above, the resulting submenu should look like this:

Edit an existing page

In this example, you add a new grid to the existing MyTasks page. You will name the grid MyCustomTasks page, and then replace the link in the navigation menu to the edited page. 

  1. Make a copy of the page you want to edit in the root folder.
    For example, copy the MyTasks.aspx file to the MyCustomTasksPage.aspxfile.
  2. Edit the file as necessary. In the example below, we added a new user control to the MyTasks.aspxfile. The added sections are highlighted.
    <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MenuId="Portal" SelectedMenuItemId="MyPage" AutoEventWireup="false"
    Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.MyTasks" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="UserMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/UserMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
            <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
            <sq:UserMessagesGridControl ID="UserMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="30" DisplayVariables="true" ConfigName="Portal"
              runat="server" />
            <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
              <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
                runat="server" />
  3. Replace the link on the navigation menu to direct to the new page that you have created. 
  4. Open the Default.config file, which is located at C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands, and edit the <NavigateToUrlCommand> section as follows:

Edit grid layout

The Layout property in the  grid control of the ASPX file controls the column and table widths. 

AutoSets column width to fit the widest unbreakable content in the cells.
This option can run slower than the Fixed option, because all content in the grid needs to be read before determining the final layout.
FixedDefault value.
The default column width is 130 pixels. You can overwrite the default width in the  config file.
Horizontal layout depends only on the table's width and the width of the columns, not the contents of the cells.
The Fixed layout enables a browser to lay out the table faster than the automatic table layout.
The browser can display the table after the first row is read.
It is important to be aware of column widths configured with global and workflow variables.

Edit grid scrollbar behavior

You use the Adaptive property in the grid control of the ASPX file to determine the grid's scroll bar.

By default, the Adaptive property is set to True, and the layout is set to Fixed.

TrueDefault value.
Both the header and the table content have their own HTML tables. 
FalseThe grid does not have its own scroll bar (but the page is still scrollable).

Edit grid height

You use the AdaptiveHeight property in the grid control of the ASPX file to determine the grid's height.
By default, the AdaptiveHeight property is set to -1. 

Number >0Set the height of the grid (numbers of pixels).
0Grid height matches the pagesize property.
-1Grid height adapts to the size of the page window.
>>>The grid auto-resizes with the page. This option is preferable for pages with a single grid.

Customize column width

You can use the Width property in the specific grid's ServiceMetada config to control the width of several types of columns, such as DataBound columns and GlobalVariables columns. 

For example, to define the width of the columns for local and global variables in the Process page grid, add the<workflowvariablescolumns> tag to the grid's ServiceMetadata.config file.
Make sure that you do not add both the <workflowvariablescolumns> and <globalvariablescolumns> tags.


    DataField="Variable2Name" Width="200px"/>

Configure Tile display

The following grids support Tile Display:

  • Flowtime 
    • My Tasks
    • Notifications
  • Hot Operations
    • Team Member: Task List
    • Team Leader: Task List
    • Operations Manager: Case List
    • Case Search

You can customize the layout of the collapsed and expanded views, by changing the number or columns and their width, and the number of rows per column. You can set up to 12 columns, depending on the width required for each column.

The order in which the data is distributed within the layout is determined by the grid's ServiceMetada config files. Users can also determine the order of the displayed data by reordering the columns in Flowtime.

Grid layout files 

For the grids that support Tile display, you configure the layout by editing the following HTML files: 

  • grid-tile.html: configure the layout of the collapsed tile.
  • grid-expanded-tile.html: configure the layout of the expanded tile.
ComponentFile location
Flowtime[rootfolder]\Cora SeQuence\Flowtime\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Templates\ProcessTasks
Hot Operations[rootfolder]\Cora SeQuence\Flowtime\Shared Resources\Components\HotOperations\Flowtime\Templates\TeamMember
[rootfolder]\Cora SeQuence\Flowtime\Shared Resources\Components\HotOperations\Flowtime\Templates\OpsManager
[rootfolder]\Cora SeQuence\Flowtime\Shared Resources\Components\HotOperations\Flowtime\Templates\TeamLeader
[rootfolder]\Cora SeQuence\Flowtime\Shared Resources\Components\HotOperations\Flowtime\Templates\SearchResults

As default files are overwritten with every upgrade, create a custom template based on the HTML files provided.

Tile display application variables

You can set up application variables to avoid losing any changes made to the tile display templates when the system is upgraded. Application variables are stored in the database and define the path of the tile display template.  

FlowtimePortal.Grid.TileTemplate.ProcessTasksPath to the file location.

For example, the path to the template of the Team Member grid:

[rootfolder]\Cora SeQuence\Flowtime\Shared Resources\Components\HotOperations\Flowtime\Templates\TeamMember\MYgrid-tile.html

Hot OperationsPortal.HotOperations.Grid.TileTemplate.OpsManager

Example of collapsed mode for the ProcessTasks grid

In the example, the first five columns of the tile include one row each with different widths, and then four columns with three rows each. The first column includes the "expand" arrow.

@t (key and value): represents a cell in the grid, that is, the value of the column with its caption.

sqf-col-xs-<integer>: defines the width of the column according to the grid system.

For information on how to customize grid layouts, see this article.

<div class="sqf-layout-fluid">
    <div class="sqf-container">
        <div class="sqf-row ft-flex">
<div class="sqf-col-xs-2 ft-flex ft-flex-v-center" style="flex: 0 0 260px;">
<div class="sqf-col-xs-1">
<div class="expand"></div>
<div class="sqf-col-xs-2">@t</div>
<div class="sqf-col-xs-5">@t</div>
<div class="sqf-col-xs-1">@t</div>
<div class="sqf-col-xs-1">@t</div>
<div class="sqf-col-xs-1">@t</div>
<div class="sqf-col-xs-3 ft-col-b-r">
<div class="sqf-col-xs-2">
<div class="sqf-col-xs-2">
<div class="sqf-col-xs-2">

Above collapsed tile layout looks as follows on Flowtime:

Example of expanded mode for the ProcessTasks grid

In the example, the expanded area of the tile layout include two columns, with the same width each.

i +=<integer>: determines the number of columns.

sqf-col-xs<integer>: defines the width of the column.

<div class="sqf-layout-fluid">
    <div class="sqf-container expanded">
        # for (i = count; i < cells.length; i += 2) { #
        <div class="sqf-row">
		<div class="sqf-col-xs-6">@t</div><div class="sqf-col-xs-6">@t</div>
        # } #

Rebranding the Flowtime website

Cora SeQuence V8.7 introduced a new Flowtime theme: Cora.
You can customize the Cora theme using two sets of variables: one that changes the look and feel of the Flowtime website and another that changes elements in task forms.
Among other things, you can edit the Flowtime design variables to change:

  • Site's logo
  • Font colors
  • Background color, or add image as background
  • Page icons

For more information, see the article Redesign Flowtime using variables.

Hot Operations 

Menu item configuration

Hot Operations menu items display based on the user roles.

You set the Hot Operations display rules in the HotOperations.config file, under <MenuItem> <DisplayRules>.

<ho:IsOpsManagerRule />Displays the relevant menu item to the Hot Operations Manager role.
<ho:IsTeamLeaderRule />Displays the relevant menu item to the Hot Operations Team Leader role.



              Text="Case Management"
              Tooltip="Case Management"
               <ho:IsOpsManagerRule />

Change your solutions' URL

You can set up an application variable to control the menu solutions displayed in the My Tasks submenu.

Portal.HotOperations.TeamMember.DefaultPageDetermines the Team Member's default task list page of a solution under My Tasks.URL
Portal.HotOperations.TeamMember.SolutionsMenuIdDetermines the menu to which the solutions' task list will be added.Menu Id

Hide the Process Tasks menu item

To hide the Process Tasks menu item from the My Tasks submenu, do the following:

  1. In the HotOperations.config file, remove the MyTasks menu item from TaskList menu.

Hot Operations notifications

Manual actions performed by the Team Leader and Hot Operations Manager are now displayed on a new notifications pop-up window. You can control whether notifications appear or not, and for how long they are displayed.

DisplayItemsProgressBoxDetermines whether or not the notification pop-up window displays when the user performs an action on the grid items. For example, Reassign or Reallocate.True (default)
ItemsProgressBoxVisibilityDurationDetermines the duration, in seconds, the notification pop-up window is visible before it fades.Numeric
10 (default)

To set up the notifications pop-up window, edit the following files with the required attributes.

[Site physical path]\HotOperations\OpsManager\CasesList.aspx<sq:TeamLeaderTasksGridControl>DisplayItemsProgressBox

[Site physical path]\HotOperations\OpsManager\AllocationBoard.aspx<sq:TeamLeaderTasksGridControl>
[Site physical path]\HotOperations\TeamLeader\TasksList.aspx<sq:TeamLeaderTasksGridControl>
[Site physical path]\HotOperations\TeamLeader\AssignmentBoard.aspx<sq:TeamLeaderTasksGridControl>


 <div class="sqpt-container">
        <sq:TeamLeaderTasksGridControl ID="TeamLeaderTasksGridControl" runat="server" DisplayItemsProgressBox="True" ItemsProgressBoxVisibilityDuration="5" AssignedDynamicTasksViewType="All" DisplayVariables="true" PageSize="20" />

Translate custom Flowtime components

  • Add following attribute to the Flowtime web.config file:
    <resources resXFilesLocation="Resources" externalGlobalResourceName="CustomResourceFileName" />
  • Under Shared Resources/Resources/Sequence add translation files.
    (CustomResourceFileName.resx or
  • Use the following expression to get resource value:


        <MenuItem Id="CoraOpsProcessesIStarted" 


You configure the Flowtime site to provide end users with the smooth functionality and usability. You can customize the pages to comply with your organization's branding policies, add or edit existing pages, set up functionality that fit existing processes, and configure new menus and submenus.  

Configuration files

After you install the Flowtime site, you can configure the following files:

File typeDescriptionLocation
web.configControls settings, such as culture, theme, and database connection.
For example, you can set the Flowtime website language by editing the following key:
<globalization culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" fileEncoding="utf-8" />
Application root folder
ASPXDefine the appearance and functionality of each page in the Flowtime website.
For example, the MyTasks.aspx file defines the Inbox page.
Application root folder
Control TemplateThe Flowtime website is assembled from pages that host the user controls.
For example, UserMessagesGridControl.ascx is used to display the User Messages grid.
Configuration example: View article on how to add the form viewer control to a Flowtime page.
[Site physical path]\_CONTROLTEMPLATES\Flowtime
Default.configDefines the navigation menu links in the Flowtime website.
You can edit links, set the URL of each link, and add links to new pages.
[Site physical path]\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands
ServiceMetada configSet of config files that define the display of columns for each grid.
For example, the setting for Messages grid columns is defined in the MessagesServiceMetadata.Portal.Config file. Files with the word Portal in the file name are the files that define grids in the Flowtime website.
[Site physical path]\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\ServiceMetadata

Add a new page

  1. Create an ASPX file in the site root folder.
  2. Rename the file using a meaningful name.
  3. Open and edit the file.


In this example, we display the Group Messages Grid control and Form Viewer control on the new page MyPage.aspx. The Form Viewer control enables you to add any form view to a page without referencing a specific process. The sections we added are highlighted.

For the controls to work, you need to add a <Register> tag for each control on the page that you add. You can find these links in the Flowtime Application in the IIS.

If you add custom code to the page, set it to inherit the PortalBasePage class at PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.dll.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs"
Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.Default" AutoEventWireup="true"
<%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
 <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="FormViewerControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/FormViewerControl.ascx" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
	  <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
 <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
 runat="server" />

 <sq:FormViewerControl ID="ReportsView"
 runat="server" />

Add a page that includes a dashboard

  1. Access the ASPX file that you created in the root folder.
  2. Add the following AnalyticsDashboardControl declaration.
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
     Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/AnalyticsDashboardControl.ascx" %>
  3. Add the following markup to the page.
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
        <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl" Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>
  4. Configure the following properties.
    DataStreamNameName of the dashboard suite you are using.
    LayoutName of the dashboard from the dashboard suite that you want to display
    TransportBy default, the Transport is flowtime. Only advanced users should modify this property.
  5. (Optional) Configure the follow properties as necessary.
    ThemeNameBy default, ThemeName is Default. The other valid value is Compact.
    ModeBy default, Mode is Auto. The other valid values are Fixed and Fluid. This affects the dashboard layout, whether it is fixed, fluid, or set automatically.
  6. (Optional) Advanced users can configure the following properties as necessary.
    Table Title
    ParametersCan include different context parameters, such as SolutionId of a HotOperations solution, and so on. For this to work, users should inherit the code-behind from specific classes.
    DataStreamsURLPoints to the data stream's Web service.

The final ASPX file contains the following markup.

<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
      <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>

Add a link to navigation menu

In this example, you add a link to a custom My Tasks page.

  1. Open the Default.config file.
  2. Under <ControlTable> <Menu Id="Portal><Items>, add a new menu to the <MenuItem> section, as follows.
      Text="My Page"
      Tooltip="MY Page">
  3. Under <CommandTable>, add a new NavigateToUrlCommand section with the URL of the target page.
  4. Perform IIS Reset, and refresh the homepage.

Set an image for the menu item

Each menu item includes an image. You define the image attribute in the MenuItem section.

 If you don't define a specific image, a default image is displayed next to the menu item.

You can use one of the following methods to define the menu item image property:

  • A regular image path.
    For example: Image="Flowtime/Images/Menu/Processes.png"
  • An icon ID taken from this list.
    For example: Image="sqpi-Airplane"

Reorder menu items

You can change the order of the menu items, by adding the Sequence attribute.


Add a submenu

The Flowtime site menu can include up to two menu levels. 

In this example, you add two submenu items to the Processes menu item. 

  1. Open the Default.config file.
  2. In a new or existing MenuItem section, add the property SubMenuId="Processes".
    This setting links the submenu to the correct menu item.
  1. To define the submenu, add a new Menu tag that includes the new submenu items.
    For example:
    <Menu Id="Processes">

Make sure that the command that you specify exists under the “CommandTable” tag.

  1. To highlight the selected submenu item, on the MyTasks.aspx page, add the following properties:
    • MenuId
    • SelectedMenuItemId


<%@ Page Title="My Tasks" ResourceTitle="MyTasks" IconId="sqpi-MyTasks" MenuId="Portal" SubMenuId="MyTasks" SelectedMenuItemId="ProcessesIStarted" SelectedSubMenuItemId="MyTasks"

Resulting menu

Following the configuration described in the example above, the resulting submenu should look like this:

Edit an existing page

In this example, you add a new grid to the existing MyTasks page. You will name the grid MyCustomTasks page, and then replace the link in the navigation menu to the edited page. 

  1. Make a copy of the page you want to edit in the root folder.
    For example, copy the MyTasks.aspx file to the MyCustomTasksPage.aspxfile.
  2. Edit the file as necessary. In the example below, we added a new user control to the MyTasks.aspxfile. The added sections are highlighted.
    <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MenuId="Portal" SelectedMenuItemId="MyPage" AutoEventWireup="false"
    Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.MyTasks" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="UserMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/UserMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
            <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
            <sq:UserMessagesGridControl ID="UserMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="30" DisplayVariables="true" ConfigName="Portal"
              runat="server" />
            <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
              <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
                runat="server" />
  3. Replace the link on the navigation menu to direct to the new page that you have created. 
  4. Open the Default.config file, which is located at C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands, and edit the <NavigateToUrlCommand> section as follows:

Edit grid layout

The Layout property in the  grid control of the ASPX file controls the column and table widths. 

AutoSets column width to fit the widest unbreakable content in the cells.
This option can run slower than the Fixed option, because all content in the grid needs to be read before determining the final layout.
FixedDefault value.
The default column width is 130 pixels. You can overwrite the default width in the  config file.
Horizontal layout depends only on the table's width and the width of the columns, not the contents of the cells.
The Fixed layout enables a browser to lay out the table faster than the automatic table layout.
The browser can display the table after the first row is read.
It is important to be aware of column widths configured with global and workflow variables.

Edit grid scrollbar behavior

You use the Adaptive property in the grid control of the ASPX file to determine the grid's scroll bar.

By default, the Adaptive property is set to True, and the layout is set to Fixed.

TrueDefault value.
Both the header and the table content have their own HTML tables. 
FalseThe grid does not have its own scroll bar (but the page is still scrollable).

Edit grid height

You use the AdaptiveHeight property in the grid control of the ASPX file to determine the grid's height.
By default, the AdaptiveHeight property is set to -1. 

Number >0Set the height of the grid (numbers of pixels).
0Grid height matches the pagesize property.
-1Grid height adapts to the size of the page window.
>>>The grid auto-resizes with the page. This option is preferable for pages with a single grid.

Customize column width

You can use the Width property in the specific grid's ServiceMetada config to control the width of several types of columns, such as DataBound columns and GlobalVariables columns. 

For example, to define the width of the columns for local and global variables in the Process page grid, add the<workflowvariablescolumns> tag to the grid's ServiceMetadata.config file.
Make sure that you do not add both the <workflowvariablescolumns> and <globalvariablescolumns> tags.


    DataField="Variable2Name" Width="200px"/>

Rebranding the Flowtime website

Cora SeQuence V8.7 introduced a new Flowtime theme: Cora.
You can customize the Cora theme using two sets of variables: one that changes the look and feel of the Flowtime website and another that changes elements in task forms.
Among other things, you can edit the Flowtime design variables to change:

  • Site's logo
  • Font colors
  • Background color, or add image as background
  • Page icons

For more information, see the article Redesign Flowtime using variables.

Hot Operations 

Menu item configuration

Hot Operations menu items display based on the user roles.

You set the Hot Operations display rules in the HotOperations.config file, under <MenuItem> <DisplayRules>.

<ho:IsOpsManagerRule />Displays the relevant menu item to the Hot Operations Manager role.
<ho:IsTeamLeaderRule />Displays the relevant menu item to the Hot Operations Team Leader role.



              Text="Case Management"
              Tooltip="Case Management"
               <ho:IsOpsManagerRule />

Change your solutions' URL

You can set up an application variable to control the menu solutions displayed in the My Tasks submenu.

Portal.HotOperations.TeamMember.DefaultPageDetermines the Team Member's default task list page of a solution under My Tasks.URL
Portal.HotOperations.TeamMember.SolutionsMenuIdDetermines the menu to which the solutions' task list will be added.Menu Id

Hide the Process Tasks menu item

To hide the Process Tasks menu item from the My Tasks submenu, do the following:

  1. In the HotOperations.config file, remove the MyTasks menu item from TaskList menu.

Hot Operations notifications

Manual actions performed by the Team Leader and Hot Operations Manager are now displayed on a new notifications pop-up window. You can control whether notifications appear or not, and for how long they are displayed.

DisplayItemsProgressBoxDetermines whether or not the notification pop-up window displays when the user performs an action on the grid items. For example, Reassign or Reallocate.True (default)
ItemsProgressBoxVisibilityDurationDetermines the duration, in seconds, the notification pop-up window is visible before it fades.Numeric
10 (default)

To set up the notifications pop-up window, edit the following files with the required attributes.

[Site physical path]\HotOperations\OpsManager\CasesList.aspx<sq:TeamLeaderTasksGridControl>DisplayItemsProgressBox

[Site physical path]\HotOperations\OpsManager\AllocationBoard.aspx<sq:TeamLeaderTasksGridControl>
[Site physical path]\HotOperations\TeamLeader\TasksList.aspx<sq:TeamLeaderTasksGridControl>
[Site physical path]\HotOperations\TeamLeader\AssignmentBoard.aspx<sq:TeamLeaderTasksGridControl>


 <div class="sqpt-container">
        <sq:TeamLeaderTasksGridControl ID="TeamLeaderTasksGridControl" runat="server" DisplayItemsProgressBox="True" ItemsProgressBoxVisibilityDuration="5" AssignedDynamicTasksViewType="All" DisplayVariables="true" PageSize="20" />


You configure the Flowtime website to provide end users with the smooth functionality and usability. You can customize the pages to comply with your organization's branding policies, add or edit existing pages, and set up functionality to fit existing processes.  

Configuration files

After you install the Flowtime site, you can configure the following files:

File typeDescriptionLocation
web.configControls settings, such as culture, theme, and database connection.
For example, you can set the Flowtime website language by editing the following key:
<globalization culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" fileEncoding="utf-8" />
Application root folder
ASPXDefine the appearance and functionality of each page in the Flowtime website.
For example, the MyTasks.aspx file defines the Inbox page.
Application root folder
Control TemplateThe Flowtime website is assembled from pages that host the user controls.
For example, UserMessagesGridControl.ascx is used to display the User Messages grid.
Configuration example: View article on how to add the form viewer control to a Flowtime page.
{Site Physical Path}\CONTROLTEMPLATES\Flowtime
Default.configDefines the navigation menu links in the Flowtime website.
You can edit links, set the URL of each link, and add links to new pages.
C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands
ServiceMetada configSet of config files that define the display of columns for each grid.
For example, the setting for Messages grid columns is defined in the MessagesServiceMetadata.Portal.Config file. Files with the word Portal in the file name are the files that define grids in the Flowtime website.
C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\ServiceMetadata

Add a new page

  1. Create an ASPX file in the site root folder.
  2. Rename the file using a meaningful name.
  3. Open and edit the file.


In this example, we display the Group Messages Grid control and Form Viewer control on the new page MyPage.aspx. The Form Viewer control enables you to add any form view to a page without referencing a specific process. The sections we added are highlighted.

For the controls to work, you need to add a <Register> tag for each control on the page that you add. You can find these links in the Flowtime Application in the IIS.

If you add custom code to the page, set it to inherit the PortalBasePage class at PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.dll.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs"
Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.Default" AutoEventWireup="true"
<%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
 <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="FormViewerControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/FormViewerControl.ascx" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
	  <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
 <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
 runat="server" />

 <sq:FormViewerControl ID="ReportsView"
 runat="server" />

Add a page that includes a dashboard

  1. Access the ASPX file that you created in the root folder.
  2. Add the following AnalyticsDashboardControl declaration.
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
     Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/AnalyticsDashboardControl.ascx" %>
  3. Add the following markup to the page.
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
        <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl" Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>
  4. Configure the following properties.
    DataStreamNameName of the dashboard suite you are using.
    LayoutName of the dashboard from the dashboard suite that you want to display
    TransportBy default, the Transport is flowtime. Only advanced users should modify this property.
  5. (Optional) Configure the follow properties as necessary.
    ThemeNameBy default, ThemeName is Default. The other valid value is Compact.
    ModeBy default, Mode is Auto. The other valid values are Fixed and Fluid. This affects the dashboard layout, whether it is fixed, fluid, or set automatically.
  6. (Optional) Advanced users can configure the following properties as necessary.
    Table Title
    ParametersCan include different context parameters, such as SolutionId of a HotOperations solution, and so on. For this to work, users should inherit the code-behind from specific classes.
    DataStreamsURLPoints to the data stream's Web service.

The final ASPX file contains the following markup. 

<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
      <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>

Add a link to navigation menu

In this example, you add a link to a custom My Tasks page.

  1. Open the Default.config file.
  2. Under <ControlTable> <Menu Id="Portal><Items>, add a new menu to the <MenuItem> section, as follows.
      Text="My Page"
      Tooltip="MY Page">
  3. Under <CommandTable>, add a new NavigateToUrlCommand section with the URL of the target page.
  4. Perform IIS Reset, and refresh the homepage.

Edit an existing page

In this example, you edit the existing MyTasks page to add a new grid, name it MyCustomTasks page, and then replace the link in the navigation menu to the edited page. 

  1. Make a copy of the page you want to edit in the root folder. For example, copy the MyTasks.aspx file to the MyCustomTasksPage.aspxfile.
  2. Edit the file as necessary. In the example below, we added a new user control to the MyTasks.aspxfile. The added sections are highlighted.
    <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MenuId="Portal" SelectedMenuItemId="MyPage" AutoEventWireup="false"
    Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.MyTasks" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="UserMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/UserMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
            <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
            <sq:UserMessagesGridControl ID="UserMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="30" DisplayVariables="true" ConfigName="Portal"
              runat="server" />
            <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
              <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
                runat="server" />
  3. Replace the link on the navigation menu to direct to the new page that you have created. 
  4. Open the Default.config file, which is located at C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands, and edit the <NavigateToUrlCommand> section as follows:

Edit grid layout

The Layout property in the  grid control of the ASPX file controls the column and table widths. 

AutoSets column width to fit the widest unbreakable content in the cells.
This option can run slower than the Fixed option, because all content in the grid needs to be read before determining the final layout.
FixedDefault value.
The default column width is 130 pixels. You can overwrite the default width in the  config file.
Horizontal layout depends only on the table's width and the width of the columns, not the contents of the cells.
The Fixed layout enables a browser to lay out the table faster than the automatic table layout.
The browser can display the table after the first row is read.
It is important to be aware of column widths configured with global and workflow variables.

Edit grid scrollbar behavior

You use the Adaptive property in the grid control of the ASPX file to determine the grid's scroll bar.

By default, the Adaptive property is set to True, and the layout is set to Fixed.

TrueDefault value.
Both the header and the table content have their own HTML tables. 
FalseThe grid does not have its own scroll bar (but the page is still scrollable).

Edit grid height

You use the AdaptiveHeight property in the grid control of the ASPX file to determine the grid's height.
By default, the AdaptiveHeight property is set to -1. 

Number >0Set the height of the grid (numbers of pixels).
0Grid height matches the pagesize property.
-1Grid height adapts to the size of the page window.
>>>The grid auto-resizes with the page. This option is preferable for pages with a single grid.

Customize column width

You can use the Width property in the specific grid's ServiceMetada config to control the width of several types of columns, such as DataBound columns and GlobalVariables columns. 

For example, to define the width of the columns for local and global variables in the Process page grid, add the<workflowvariablescolumns> tag to the grid's ServiceMetadata.config file.
Make sure that you do not add both the <workflowvariablescolumns> and <globalvariablescolumns> tags.


    DataField="Variable2Name" Width="200px"/>

Rebranding the Flowtime website

Cora SeQuence V8.7 introduced a new Flowtime theme: Cora.
You can customize the Cora theme using two sets of variables: one that changes the look and feel of the Flowtime website and another that changes elements in task forms.
Among other things, you can edit the Flowtime design variables to change:

  • Site's logo
  • Font colors
  • Background color, or add image as background
  • Page icons

For more information, see the article Redesign Flowtime using variables.


The Flowtime website enables you to provide Flowtime experience and functionality to end users without having to install SharePoint. It provides the option to add and edit pages quite easily, and because it's a website, there is no need to compile. 

Understanding File Structure

After you install Flowtime website, there are several files you can modify that enable you to configure and edit the Flowtime website.

Flowtime website files

  • web.config
  • ASPX 
  • Control Template
  • Default.config
  • ServiceMetada config

web.config files

Allows you to control Flowtime website settings, such as culture, theme, database connection, and so on.

For example, you can set the Flowtime website language by editing the following key:
<globalization culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" fileEncoding="utf-8" />

ASPX files

These files define the appearance and functionality of each page on the Flowtime website. For example, the Inbox.aspx file defines the Inbox page.

Control Template files

The Flowtime website is assembled from pages that host the user controls. For example, UserMessagesGridControl.ascx is used to display the User Messages grid.

File Location: {Site Physical Path}\CONTROLTEMPLATES\Flowtime

Default.config file

This file defines the top menu links in the Flowtime website. Here you can edit links, set the URL of each link, and add links to new pages.

File Location: C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands

ServiceMetadata config files

This set of config files define the way columns display for each grid. For example, the setting for Messages grid coloumns is defined in the MessagesServiceMetadata.Portal.Config file. Files with the word Portal in the file name are the files that define grids in the Flowtime website.

File Location: C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\ServiceMetadata

Edit the Flowtime Website

You can easily add pages, edit pages, and make other appearance and functionality changes to the Flowtime website. We'll cover some of the the most common Flowtime website modifications.

Add a new page

  1. Create an ASPX file in the site root folder.
  2. Rename the file using a meaningful name.
  3. Open and edit the file.


In this example we display the Group Messages Grid control and Form Viewer control on the new page MyPage.aspx. The Form Viewer control enables you to add any form view to a page without referencing a specific process. The sections we added are highlighted.

For the controls to work, you need to add a <Register> tag for each control on the page that you add. You can find these links in the Flowtime Application in the IIS.

IMPORTANT: If you need to add your own code behind for the page, you must inherit from the PortalBasePage class from PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.dll.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs"
Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.Default" AutoEventWireup="true"
<%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
 <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="FormViewerControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/FormViewerControl.ascx" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
	  <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
 <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
 runat="server" />

 <sq:FormViewerControl ID="ReportsView"
 runat="server" />

Add a Page that Includes a Dashboard

  1. Access the ASPX file that you created in the root folder.
  2. Add the following AnalyticsDashboardControl declaration.
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
     Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/AnalyticsDashboardControl.ascx" %>
  3. Add the following markup to the page.
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
        <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl" Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>
  4. Configure the following properties.
    DataStreamNamename of the dashboard suite you are using.
    Layoutname of the dashboard from the dashboard suite that you want to display
    Transportby default, the Transport is flowtime. Only advanced users should modify this property.
  5. (Optional) Configure the follow properties as necessary.
    ThemeNameby default, ThemeName is Default. The other valid value is Compact.
    Modeby default, Mode is Auto. The other valid values are Fixed and Fluid. This affects the dashboard layout, whether it is fixed, fluid, or set automatically.
  6. (Optional) Advanced users can configure the following properties as necessary.
    Table Title
    Parameterscan include different context parameters, such as SolutionId of a HotOperations solution, and so on. For this to work, users should inherit the code-behind from specific classes.
    DataStreamsURLpoints to the data stream's Web service.

The final ASPX file will contain the following markup.

<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
      <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>

Add a Link to the Banner

  1. Open the Default.config file.
  2. Copy a <MenuItem> section, and paste it under the existing <MenuItem> section.
  3. Edit the values in the <MenuItem> section.
      Text="My Page"
      Tooltip="MY Page">
  4. Copy a NavigateToUrlCommand section and paste it below the existing NavigateToUrlCommand section. This section determines the URL of the link.
  5. Edit the values in the NavigateToUrlCommand section with the following information.
  6. Perform IIS Reset and refresh the homepage.

Edit an Existing Page

  1. Make a copy of the page you want to edit in the root folder. For example, copy the Inbox.aspx file to the MyPage.aspx file.
  2. Edit the file as necessary. In the example below, we added a new user control to the Inbox.aspx file. The added sections are highlighted.
    <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MenuId="Portal" SelectedMenuItemId="MyPage" AutoEventWireup="false"
    Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.Inbox" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="InboxSummaryControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/InboxSummaryControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="NewProcessControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/NewProcessControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="ProcessesIOwnControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/ProcessesIOwnControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="UserMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/UserMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
        <div class="sqpt-summary-controls">
            <sq:NewProcessControl ID="NewProcessControl"
              runat="server" />
            <sq:InboxSummaryControl ID="InboxSummaryControl"InboxPage="Inbox.aspx"
              runat="server" />
            <sq:ProcessesIOwnControl ID="ProcessesIOwnControl" ProcessesIOwnPage="OpenProcesses.aspx" runat="server" />
        <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
            <sq:UserMessagesGridControl ID="UserMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="30" DisplayVariables="true" ConfigName="Portal"
              runat="server" />
            <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
              <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
                runat="server" />
  3. Change the page reference in the Default.config file, which is located at C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands.
  4. Edit other references as necessary. For example, the Inbox Summary control.

Create a Flowtime Page Without the Top Menu and Side Menu

To create a Flowtime page without the top menu and side menu,  add MasterPageFile="~/Layouts/Masters/Empty.master".


In this example, we modify the My Tasks page so that only the grid displays for the end user.

<%@ Page Title="My Tasks" ResourceTitle="MyTasks" MasterPageFile="~/Layouts/Masters/Empty.Master" MenuId="Portal" SubMenuId="MyTasks" SelectedMenuItemId="MyTasks" SelectedSubMenuItemId="MyTasks" Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MyTasks.aspx.cs" Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.MyTasks, PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="UserMessagesGridControl"
Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/UserMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
<div class="sqpt-container">
<div class="sqpt-grid-control">
<sq:UserMessagesGridControl ID="UserMessagesGridControl" PageSize="20" DisplayVariables="true" ConfigName="Portal"
runat="server" MessageInstanceViewItemType="TaskOnly" />

Change the Flowtime Website Branding

To change the site's  color scheme and branding you should create your own theme.

  1. Duplicate the Sequence8 folder in C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Themes.
  2. Enter a meaningful name for the folder, such as CustomTheme.
  3. Modify the flowtimesite.css file as necessary.
  4. Change the Theme key in the web.config file to your new folder.
    <add key="PNMsoft.Sequence.Flowtime.Theme" value="MyCustomeTheme"/>

Customize Flowtime Grids

You can customize Flowime grids to add a scroll bar and aspects of cell width for Flowtime grids.


The layout determines the column and table widths. The default column width is 130. You can overwrite the default width in the service configuration file.

Layout Parameters

AutoColumn width is set according to the widest unbreakable content in the cells. This option can run slower than the Fixed option, because all content in the grid needs to be read before determining the final layout.
FixedThis is the default configuration. Horizontal layout only depends on the table's width and the width of the columns, not the contents of the cells. The Fixed layout enables a browser to lay out the table faster than the automatic table layout. The browser can display the table after the first row is read.

It is important to be aware of the column widths configured in the global and workflow variables.

Layout - Auto

Layout - Fixed


The Adaptive property defines the grid's scroll bar. By default, the Adaptive property is set to True, and the layout is set to Fixed.

Adaptive Parameters

TrueSet the Kendo grid native scrollable to True when both the header and table content have their own tables. This can be used for Auto and Fixed layouts.
FalseThe grid does not have its own scroll bar (but the page is still scrollable).

Adaptive = True


The AdaptiveHeight property determines the grid's height. By default, the AdaptiveHeight property is set to -1.

AdaptiveHeight Parameters

>0Custom height is used.
0The grid determines the height.
-1The grid auto-resizes with the page. This option is preferable for pages with a single grid.

Customize Column Width

To define local and global variables in the Process page grid, add only the the <workflowvariablescolumns> tag to the grid's ServiceMetadata.config file. Make sure you do not add both the <workflowvariablescolumns> and <globalvariablescolumns> tags.


    DataField="Variable2Name" Width="200px"/>


The Flowtime website enables you to provide Flowtime experience and functionality to end users without having to install SharePoint. It provides the option to add and edit pages quite easily, and because it's a website, there is no need to compile. 

Understanding File Structure

After you install Flowtime website, there are several files you can modify that enable you to configure and edit the Flowtime website.

Flowtime website files

  • web.config
  • ASPX 
  • Control Template
  • Default.config
  • ServiceMetada config

web.config files

Allows you to control Flowtime website settings, such as culture, theme, database connection, and so on.

For example, you can set the Flowtime website language by editing the following key:
<globalization culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" fileEncoding="utf-8" />

ASPX files

These files define the appearance and functionality of each page on the Flowtime website. For example, the Inbox.aspx file defines the Inbox page.

Control Template files

The Flowtime website is assembled from pages that host the user controls. For example, UserMessagesGridControl.ascx is used to display the User Messages grid.

File Location: {Site Physical Path}\CONTROLTEMPLATES\Flowtime

Default.config file

This file defines the top menu links in the Flowtime website. Here you can edit links, set the URL of each link, and add links to new pages.

File Location: C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands

ServiceMetadata config files

This set of config files define the way columns display for each grid. For example, the setting for Messages grid columns is defined in the MessagesServiceMetadata.Portal.Config file. Files with the word Portal in the file name are the files that define grids in the Flowtime website.

File Location: C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\ServiceMetadata

Edit the Flowtime Website

You can easily add pages, edit pages, and make other appearance and functionality changes to the Flowtime website. We'll cover some of the the most common Flowtime website modifications.

Add a new page

  1. Create an ASPX file in the site root folder.
  2. Rename the file using a meaningful name.
  3. Open and edit the file.


In this example we display the Group Messages Grid control and Form Viewer control on the new page MyPage.aspx. The Form Viewer control enables you to add any form view to a page without referencing a specific process. The sections we added are highlighted.

For the controls to work, you need to add a <Register> tag for each control on the page that you add. You can find these links in the Flowtime Application in the IIS.

IMPORTANT: If you need to add your own code behind for the page, you must inherit from the PortalBasePage class from PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.dll.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs"
Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.Default" AutoEventWireup="true"
<%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
 <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="FormViewerControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/FormViewerControl.ascx" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
	  <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
 <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
 runat="server" />

 <sq:FormViewerControl ID="ReportsView"
 runat="server" />

Add a Page that Includes a Dashboard

  1. Access the ASPX file that you created in the root folder.
  2. Add the following AnalyticsDashboardControl declaration.
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
     Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/AnalyticsDashboardControl.ascx" %>
  3. Add the following markup to the page.
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
        <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl" Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>
  4. Configure the following properties.
    DataStreamNamename of the dashboard suite you are using.
    Layoutname of the dashboard from the dashboard suite that you want to display
    Transportby default, the Transport is flowtime. Only advanced users should modify this property.
  5. (Optional) Configure the follow properties as necessary.
    ThemeNameby default, ThemeName is Default. The other valid value is Compact.
    Modeby default, Mode is Auto. The other valid values are Fixed and Fluid. This affects the dashboard layout, whether it is fixed, fluid, or set automatically.
  6. (Optional) Advanced users can configure the following properties as necessary.
    Table Title
    Parameterscan include different context parameters, such as SolutionId of a HotOperations solution, and so on. For this to work, users should inherit the code-behind from specific classes.
    DataStreamsURLpoints to the data stream's Web service.

The final ASPX file will contain the following markup.

<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
      <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>

Add a Link to the Banner

  1. Open the Default.config file.
  2. Copy a <MenuItem> section, and paste it under the existing <MenuItem> section.
  3. Edit the values in the <MenuItem> section.
      Text="My Page"
      Tooltip="MY Page">
  4. Copy a NavigateToUrlCommand section and paste it below the existing NavigateToUrlCommand section. This section determines the URL of the link.
  5. Edit the values in the NavigateToUrlCommand section with the following information.
  6. Perform IIS Reset and refresh the homepage.

Edit an Existing Page

  1. Make a copy of the page you want to edit in the root folder. For example, copy the Inbox.aspx file to the MyPage.aspx file.
  2. Edit the file as necessary. In the example below, we added a new user control to the Inbox.aspx file. The added sections are highlighted.
    <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MenuId="Portal" SelectedMenuItemId="MyPage" AutoEventWireup="false"
    Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.Inbox" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="InboxSummaryControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/InboxSummaryControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="NewProcessControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/NewProcessControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="ProcessesIOwnControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/ProcessesIOwnControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="UserMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/UserMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
        <div class="sqpt-summary-controls">
            <sq:NewProcessControl ID="NewProcessControl"
              runat="server" />
            <sq:InboxSummaryControl ID="InboxSummaryControl"InboxPage="Inbox.aspx"
              runat="server" />
            <sq:ProcessesIOwnControl ID="ProcessesIOwnControl" ProcessesIOwnPage="OpenProcesses.aspx" runat="server" />
        <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
            <sq:UserMessagesGridControl ID="UserMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="30" DisplayVariables="true" ConfigName="Portal"
              runat="server" />
            <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
              <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
                runat="server" />
  3. Change the page reference in the Default.config file, which is located at C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands.
  4. Edit other references as necessary. For example, the Inbox Summary control.

Change the Flowtime Website Branding

To change the site's  color scheme and branding you should create your own theme.

  1. Duplicate the Sequence8 folder in C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Themes.
  2. Enter a meaningful name for the folder, such as CustomTheme.
  3. Modify the flowtimesite.css file as necessary.
  4. Change the Theme key in the web.config file to your new folder.
    <add key="PNMsoft.Sequence.Flowtime.Theme" value="MyCustomeTheme"/>

Customize Flowtime Grids

You can customize Flowime grids to add a scroll bar and aspects of cell width for Flowtime grids.


The layout determines the column and table widths. The default column width is 130. You can overwrite the default width in the service configuration file.

Layout Parameters

AutoColumn width is set according to the widest unbreakable content in the cells. This option can run slower than the Fixed option, because all content in the grid needs to be read before determining the final layout.
FixedThis is the default configuration. Horizontal layout only depends on the table's width and the width of the columns, not the contents of the cells. The Fixed layout enables a browser to lay out the table faster than the automatic table layout. The browser can display the table after the first row is read.

It is important to be aware of the column widths configured in the global and workflow variables.

Layout - Auto

Layout - Fixed


The Adaptive property defines the grid's scroll bar. By default, the Adaptive property is set to True, and the layout is set to Fixed.

Adaptive Parameters

TrueSet the Kendo grid native scrollable to True when both the header and table content have their own tables. This can be used for Auto and Fixed layouts.
FalseThe grid does not have its own scroll bar (but the page is still scrollable).

Adaptive = True


The AdaptiveHeight property determines the grid's height. By default, the AdaptiveHeight property is set to -1.

AdaptiveHeight Parameters

>0Custom height is used.
0The grid determines the height.
-1The grid auto-resizes with the page. This option is preferable for pages with a single grid.

Customize Column Width

To define local and global variables in the Process page grid, add only the the <workflowvariablescolumns> tag to the grid's ServiceMetadata.config file. Make sure you do not add both the <workflowvariablescolumns> and <globalvariablescolumns> tags.


    DataField="Variable2Name" Width="200px"/>


The Flowtime website enables you to provide user experience and functionality to end users without having to install SharePoint. It provides the option to add and edit pages quite easily, and because it's a website, there is no need to compile.

Understanding File Structure

After you install Flowtime website, there are several files you can modify that enable you to configure and edit the Flowtime website.

Flowtime website files

  • web.config
  • ASPX 
  • Control Template
  • Default.config
  • ServiceMetada config

web.config files

Allows you to control Flowtime website settings, such as culture, theme, database connection, and so on.

For example, you can set the Flowtime website language by editing the following key:
<globalization culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" fileEncoding="utf-8" />

ASPX files

These files define the appearance and functionality of each page on the Flowtime website. For example, the Inbox.aspx file defines the Inbox page.

Control Template files

The Flowtime website is assembled from pages that host the user controls. For example, UserMessagesGridControl.ascx is used to display the User Messages grid.

File Location: {Site Physical Path}\CONTROLTEMPLATES\Flowtime

Default.config file

This file defines the top menu links in the Flowtime website. Here you can edit links, set the URL of each link, and add links to new pages.

File Location: C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands

ServiceMetadata config files

This set of config files define the way columns display for each grid. For example, the setting for Messages grid columns is defined in the MessagesServiceMetadata.Portal.Config file. Files with the word Portal in the file name are the files that define grids in the Flowtime website.

File Location: C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\ServiceMetadata

Edit the Flowtime Website

You can easily add pages, edit pages, and make other appearance and functionality changes to the Flowtime website. We'll cover some of the the most common Flowtime website modifications.

Add a new page

  1. Create an ASPX file in the site root folder.
  2. Rename the file using a meaningful name.
  3. Open and edit the file.


In this example we display the Group Messages Grid control and Form Viewer control on the new page MyPage.aspx. The Form Viewer control enables you to add any form view to a page without referencing a specific process. The sections we added are highlighted.

For the controls to work, you need to add a <Register> tag for each control on the page that you add. You can find these links in the Flowtime Application in the IIS.

IMPORTANT: If you need to add your own code behind for the page, you must inherit from the PortalBasePage class from PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.dll.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs"
Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.Default" AutoEventWireup="true"
<%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
 <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="FormViewerControl"
 Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/FormViewerControl.ascx" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
	  <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
 <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
 runat="server" />

 <sq:FormViewerControl ID="ReportsView"
 runat="server" />

Add a Page that Includes a Dashboard

  1. Access the ASPX file that you created in the root folder.
  2. Add the following AnalyticsDashboardControl declaration.
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
     Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/AnalyticsDashboardControl.ascx" %>
  3. Add the following markup to the page.
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
        <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl" Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>
  4. Configure the following properties.
    DataStreamNamename of the dashboard suite you are using.
    Layoutname of the dashboard from the dashboard suite that you want to display
    Transportby default, the Transport is flowtime. Only advanced users should modify this property.
  5. (Optional) Configure the follow properties as necessary.
    ThemeNameby default, ThemeName is Default. The other valid value is Compact.
    Modeby default, Mode is Auto. The other valid values are Fixed and Fluid. This affects the dashboard layout, whether it is fixed, fluid, or set automatically.
  6. (Optional) Advanced users can configure the following properties as necessary.
    Table Title
    Parameterscan include different context parameters, such as SolutionId of a HotOperations solution, and so on. For this to work, users should inherit the code-behind from specific classes.
    DataStreamsURLpoints to the data stream's Web service.

The final ASPX file will contain the following markup.

<asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
    <div class="sqpt-container">
      <sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl runat="server" ID="AnalyticsDashboardControl"
Transport="flowtime" ThemeName="Default" Mode="Auto"></sq:AnalyticsDashboardControl>

Add a Page Without the Top Menu and Side Menu

You can customize any Flowtime page so that the header and side bar do not display on the page.

Add a Link to the Top Banner

  1. Open the Default.config file.
  2. Copy a <MenuItem> section, and paste it under the existing <MenuItem> section.
  3. Edit the values in the <MenuItem> section.
      Text="My Page"
      Tooltip="MY Page">
  4. Copy a NavigateToUrlCommand section and paste it below the existing NavigateToUrlCommand section. This section determines the URL of the link.
  5. Edit the values in the NavigateToUrlCommand section with the following information.
  6. Perform IIS Reset and refresh the homepage.

Edit an Existing Page

  1. Make a copy of the page you want to edit in the root folder. For example, copy the Inbox.aspx file to the MyPage.aspx file.
  2. Edit the file as necessary. In the example below, we added a new user control to the Inbox.aspx file. The added sections are highlighted.
    <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MenuId="Portal" SelectedMenuItemId="MyPage" AutoEventWireup="false"
    Inherits="PNMsoft.Sequence.Runtime.Web.UI.Pages.Inbox" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="InboxSummaryControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/InboxSummaryControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="NewProcessControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/NewProcessControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="ProcessesIOwnControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/ProcessesIOwnControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="UserMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/UserMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="sq" TagName="GroupMessagesGridControl"
      Src="~/_controltemplates/Flowtime/GroupMessagesGridControl.ascx" %>
    <asp:Content ID="Content" ContentPlaceHolderID="content" runat="server">
      <div class="sqpt-container">
        <div class="sqpt-summary-controls">
            <sq:NewProcessControl ID="NewProcessControl"
              runat="server" />
            <sq:InboxSummaryControl ID="InboxSummaryControl"InboxPage="Inbox.aspx"
              runat="server" />
            <sq:ProcessesIOwnControl ID="ProcessesIOwnControl" ProcessesIOwnPage="OpenProcesses.aspx" runat="server" />
        <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
            <sq:UserMessagesGridControl ID="UserMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="30" DisplayVariables="true" ConfigName="Portal"
              runat="server" />
            <div class="sqpt-grid-control">
              <sq:GroupMessagesGridControl ID="GroupMessagesGridControl"
    PageSize="5" DisplayVariables="false"
                runat="server" />
  3. Change the page reference in the Default.config file, which is located at C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Components\Flowtime\Config\Portal\Commands.
  4. Edit other references as necessary. For example, the Inbox Summary control.

Change the Flowtime Website Branding

To change the site's  color scheme and branding you should create your own theme.

  1. Duplicate the Sequence8 folder in C:\Program Files\PNMsoft\Shared Resources\Themes.
  2. Enter a meaningful name for the folder, such as CustomTheme.
  3. Modify the flowtimesite.css file as necessary.
  4. Chate the Theme key in the web.config file to your new folder.
    <add key="PNMsoft.Sequence.Flowtime.Theme" value="MyCustomeTheme"/>

For more details, see the Flowtime Website Configuration guide


The Flowtime Website Configuration guide describes how to configure Flowtime for Cora SeQuence 8.2.

Click here to open the guide.

For information on installing Flowtime on Cora SeQuence V8.2 and later, see the Cora SeQuence Installation Guide


The Flowtime Website Installation and Configuration guide describes how to install and configure the Flowtime website for Cora SeQuence 8.1.

Click here to open the guide.


Configure the Flowtime environment

The Flowtime Configuration Options guide describes how to configure Flowtime . It focuses on customizing the columns in grids and commands in grid toolbars, and edit menus.

There are two levels of configuration.

  • Basic: configure Flowtime using the Flowtime GUI.
  • Advanced: configure Flowtime using Flowtime configuration files.

Click here to open the guide.