Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Define a Connection to an External Storage System

Starting with V10.0, Cora SeQuence has been renamed to Cora Orchestration.

V9.7.1 and later


For most File Activities, you need to define a connection to an external storage system. Depending on the activity, you will save a file, retrieve a file, delete a file, or create a folder in the external storage system.

- Connection names and descriptions should be meaningful. You might want to use a connection in other activities, so it's important for you to be able to identify and understand what a connection is from the name and description.
- The path separator requirements for each storage system must also be used for base paths, source paths, file paths, and so on, in activities that require a connection to an external storage system. For example, if the file storage system you select supports forward slash (/) path separators, then all subsequent paths must also use forward slashes:

File activities that use an external storage system

Supported external storage systems

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3)
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure File Storage
  • FTP
  • Network Storage
  • SFTP

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Specifications and limitations

PatternS3DirectoryInfo.GetFiles (string, SearchOption)
Path and File Name Restrictions
Path Separator/
Supports Folder HierarchyNo


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
Bucket NameThe S3 bucket name, where files are stored.
Base PathThe sub folder name.
Region CodeThe region to which bucket is assigned.
  • Account Key: The username for authentication.
  • Secret Key: The account password of authentication.

Azure Blob Storage

Specifications and limitations


CloudBlobContainer.ListBlobs Method: a string containing the blob name prefix.

Path and File Name RestrictionsNaming and Referencing Shares, Directories, Files, and Metadata
Path Separator/
Supports Folder HierarchyNo, each container can only contain blobs.


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
End PointURL to the Azure Blob storage.
CredentialsThe protocol, account name, and account key for your Azure Blob Storage account. If you select this, SAS is not relevant.
Shared Access Signature (SAS)Signature that grants limited access to objects in the storage account (system) to other clients, without exposing your account key. If you select this, Credentials is not relevant.

To make sure that you defined connection settings correctly, test the connection after you enter the required parameters.

Azure File Storage

Specifications and limitations

PatternCloudFileDirectory.ListFilesAndDirectories Method: a string containing the file or directory name prefix.
Path and File Name RestrictionsNaming and Referencing Shares, Directories, Files, and Metadata.
Path Separator/
Supports Folder HierarchyYes


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
End PointURL to the Azure Blob storage.
Base PathSub-folder in the end point. Should be a shared folder on the server.
CredentialsThe protocol, account name, and account key for your Azure File Storage account. If you select this, SAS is not relevant.
Shared Access Signature (SAS)Signature that grants limited access to objects in the storage account (system) to other clients, without exposing your account key. If you select this, Credentials is not relevant.


Specifications and limitations

  • Wildcards: used to specify multiple files or directories whose names match a pattern.
  • FileSet:  used to combine multiple matching criteria (such as all ".txt" and ".csv" files) and also specify exclude criteria.
Path and File Name RestrictionsFTP does not specify a standard pathname convention. You need to follow the file-naming conventions of the file systems involved in the file transfer.
Path Separator/
Supports Folder HierarchyYes


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
HostURL to the FTP server.
PortPort for the FTP server.
Base PathSub-folder in the FTP server. Should be a shared folder on the server. Make sure the user defined in the credentials has permission on the shared folder.
SSL Mode
  • Implicit: Assumes that the server is expecting everything encrypted using SSL. This means that when the client first connects to the server it will immediately negotiate the SSL connection on the command connection. Normally, implicit connections are also on a different port, such as port 990.
  • Explicit: A normal FTP connection is established, usually on the standard port 21. However, after connecting, the client will send a command to switch to SSL mode. This command is "AUTH SSL". When this command is sent, the server will respond normally, and then establish an SSL connection.
CredentialsName, user name, and password for the FTP server. See screenshot below for details.

Network Storage

Specifications and limitations

PatternDirectory.GetFiles Method
Path and File Name Restrictions
Path Separator\
Supports Folder HierarchyYes


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
HostName or URL of the network.
Base PathSub-folder in the network storage. Should be a shared folder on the server. Make sure the user defined in the credentials has permission on the shared folder. You cannot store files in the base path (folder). You need to a folder below this one to store files.
Credential Type
  • Application
  • Impersonated
  • Stored
CredentialsName, user name, and password for the FTP server. See screenshot below for details.


Specifications and limitations

  • Wildcards: used to specify multiple files or directories whose names match a pattern.
  • FileSet:  used to combine multiple matching criteria (such as all ".txt" and ".csv" files) and also specify exclude criteria.
Path and File Name RestrictionsFTP does not specify a standard pathname convention. You need to follow the file-naming conventions of the file systems involved in the file transfer.
Path Separator/
Supports Folder HierarchyYes


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
HostURL to the SFTP server.
PortPort for the SFTP server.
Base PathSub-folder in the SFTP server. Should be a shared folder on the server. Make sure the user defined in the credentials has permission on the shared folder.
SSL Mode
  • Implicit: Assumes that the server is expecting everything encrypted using SSL. This means that when the client first connects to the server it will immediately negotiate the SSL connection on the command connection. Normally, implicit connections are also on a different port, such as port 990.
  • Explicit: A normal FTP connection is established, usually on the standard port 21. However, after connecting, the client will send a command to switch to SSL mode. This command is "AUTH SSL". When this command is sent, the server will respond normally, and then establish an SSL connection.
CredentialsName, user name, and password for the FTP server. See screenshot below for details.
Authentication Mode
  • NTLM: alksjdf
  • Kerberos v5: a;lkjsdf
  • Certificate
Certificate File LocationPath for the certificate.
Certificate Store LocationPath for the certificate store.
Store NameName of the certificate store.
Find byParameter to search by.
Value to FindValue you want to find.


Some external storage systems require credentials. The procedure to add a new credential is the same for every external storage system.

V8.7 and earlier

For most File Activities, you need to define a connection to an external storage system. Depending on the activity, you will save a file, retrieve a file, delete a file, or create a folder in the external storage system.

- Connection names and descriptions should be meaningful. You might want to use a connection in other activities, so it's important for you to be able to identify and understand what a connection is from the name and description.
- The path separator requirements for each storage system must also be used for base paths, source paths, file paths, and so on, in activities that require a connection to an external storage system. For example, if the file storage system you select supports forward slash (/) path separators, then all subsequent paths must also use forward slashes:

File activities that use an external storage system

Supported external storage systems

  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure File Storage
  • FTP
  • Network Storage
  • SFTP

Azure Blob Storage

Specifications and limitations


CloudBlobContainer.ListBlobs Method: a string containing the blob name prefix.

Path and File Name RestrictionsNaming and Referencing Shares, Directories, Files, and Metadata
Path Separator/
Supports Folder HierarchyNo, each container can only contain blobs.


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
End PointURL to the Azure Blob storage.
CredentialsThe protocol, account name, and account key for your Azure Blob Storage account. If you select this, SAS is not relevant.
Shared Access Signature (SAS)Signature that grants limited access to objects in the storage account (system) to other clients, without exposing your account key. If you select this, Credentials is not relevant.

To make sure that you defined connection settings correctly, test the connection after you enter the required parameters.

Azure File Storage

Specifications and limitations


CloudFileDirectory.ListFilesAndDirectories Method: a string containing the file or directory name prefix.

Path and File Name RestrictionsNaming and Referencing Shares, Directories, Files, and Metadata
Path Separator/
Supports Folder HierarchyYes


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
End PointURL to the Azure Blob storage.
Base PathSub-folder in the end point. Should be a shared folder on the server.
CredentialsThe protocol, account name, and account key for your Azure File Storage account. If you select this, SAS is not relevant.
Shared Access Signature (SAS)Signature that grants limited access to objects in the storage account (system) to other clients, without exposing your account key. If you select this, Credentials is not relevant.


Specifications and limitations

  • Wildcards: used to specify multiple files or directories whose names match a pattern.
  • FileSet:  used to combine multiple matching criteria (such as all ".txt" and ".csv" files) and also specify exclude criteria.
Path and File Name RestrictionsFTP does not specify a standard pathname convention. You need to follow the file-naming conventions of the file systems involved in the file transfer.
Path Separator/
Supports Folder HierarchyYes


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
HostURL to the FTP server.
PortPort for the FTP server.
Base PathSub-folder in the FTP server. Should be a shared folder on the server. Make sure the user defined in the credentials has permission on the shared folder.
SSL Mode
  • Implicit: Assumes that the server is expecting everything encrypted using SSL. This means that when the client first connects to the server it will immediately negotiate the SSL connection on the command connection. Normally, implicit connections are also on a different port, such as port 990.
  • Explicit: A normal FTP connection is established, usually on the standard port 21. However, after connecting, the client will send a command to switch to SSL mode. This command is "AUTH SSL". When this command is sent, the server will respond normally, and then establish an SSL connection.
CredentialsName, user name, and password for the FTP server. See screenshot below for details.

Network Storage

Specifications and limitations

PatternDirectory.GetFiles Method
Path and File Name Restrictions
Path Separator\
Supports Folder HierarchyYes


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
HostName or URL of the network.
Base PathSub-folder in the network storage. Should be a shared folder on the server. Make sure the user defined in the credentials has permission on the shared folder. You cannot store files in the base path (folder). You need to a folder below this one to store files.
Credential Type
  • Application
  • Impersonated
  • Stored
CredentialsName, user name, and password for the FTP server. See screenshot below for details.


Specifications and limitations

  • Wildcards: used to specify multiple files or directories whose names match a pattern.
  • FileSet:  used to combine multiple matching criteria (such as all ".txt" and ".csv" files) and also specify exclude criteria.
Path and File Name RestrictionsFTP does not specify a standard pathname convention. You need to follow the file-naming conventions of the file systems involved in the file transfer.
Path Separator/
Supports Folder HierarchyYes


Connection NameThe name you select for the connection.
HostURL to the SFTP server.
PortPort for the SFTP server.
Base PathSub-folder in the SFTP server. Should be a shared folder on the server. Make sure the user defined in the credentials has permission on the shared folder.
SSL Mode
  • Implicit: Assumes that the server is expecting everything encrypted using SSL. This means that when the client first connects to the server it will immediately negotiate the SSL connection on the command connection. Normally, implicit connections are also on a different port, such as port 990.
  • Explicit: A normal FTP connection is established, usually on the standard port 21. However, after connecting, the client will send a command to switch to SSL mode. This command is "AUTH SSL". When this command is sent, the server will respond normally, and then establish an SSL connection.
CredentialsName, user name, and password for the FTP server. See screenshot below for details.
Authentication Mode
  • NTLM: alksjdf
  • Kerberos v5: a;lkjsdf
  • Certificate
Certificate File LocationPath for the certificate.
Certificate Store LocationPath for the certificate store.
Store NameName of the certificate store.
Find byParameter to search by.
Value to FindValue you want to find.


Some external storage systems require credentials. The procedure to add a new credential is the same for every external storage system.