Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Configure One-Click Action for a Task


Note that the user interface has changed in later versions of Cora SeQuence, but the procedure demonstrated in this article and video remains the same.


The One-Click Action feature for tasks enables end users to complete a task by clicking a link in the task's notification email. You can configure several actions that appear as links in the One-Click Action email. 

For each action, you can set the task's form fields to specific values. When the end user clicks a link, the task's form fields automatically populate with these values, thereby completing the task.

In this example we will enable one-click action for a task from a service request workflow.


  1. In App Studio, click the task on the visual canvas.

  2. In the Properties panel, select the One Click Action check box, and click the ellipsis button.

  3. Click add a new action.

  4. Enter an Action Name, Action Alias, and Description, then click Add Assignment.

  5. From the To drop-down menu, select DefaultView.Approve, and click OK.


Users can now complete the task with one click directly from the task message.
