Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Cora SeQuence Release Notes

30 MAY 2019

This is an update for Cora SeQuence V8.8, which includes fixes to product issues.

Resolved issue 

ComponentIssueTicket #
OAuth authenticationOmitting the optional kid (key ID) parameter in the claim header caused an exception.67694

Update steps

Updating from V8.8.1.

  1. Back up your Cora SeQuence database. 
  2. Back up the following files: 
    • In the Administration site,bin\PNMsoft.Sequence.Studio.dll.
    • In all servers, in the GAC folder,PNMsoft.Sequence.IdentityModel.OAuth.dll.

Make sure that you save the backed up files in a different folder, such as the desktop.

  1. Download the ZIP file.
  2. Open the DB Scripts folder, and run the following script on your Cora SeQuence database: 
    • PatchSynchronization_Data.sq
  3. Make sure the following files and folders are in the same level on the server.
    • Engine
    • SequencePatch.xml
    • SequencePatcher.ps1
  4. Right clickSequencePatcher.ps1, and then select Run with PowerShell.

Rollback steps 

  1. Restore the Cora SeQuence database to previous state.
  2. Restore the backed up files.

If you are running a Cora SeQuence version earlier than V8.8.1, you need to install V8.8.1 before you install V8.8.1.1.