Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Cora Orchestration 10.0 Release Notes

14 APRIL 2022

Welcome to the Cora Orchestration Release Notes.

As they become available, additions and updates to these release notes can be found here.
The latest releases appear at the end of the list.

What's in the Release Notes?

  • About Cora Orchestration
  • What's new in Cora Orchestration?
  • Main features
  • Breaking change
  • Deployment

About Cora Orchestration

Cora Orchestration is an Intelligent Business Process Management Suite (iBPMS) that facilitates rapid creation of business process applications that work on top of legacy systems to orchestrate best-of-breed digital solutions and harness human expertise. 

Cora Orchestration optimizes business operations by orchestrating analytics, AI, and RPA, leveraging cloud infrastructure and capabilities, and focusing on delivering added value on Azure and Power Platform in the case management domain.

Using Cora Orchestration, an organization transforms customers’ experience, increases self-service actions, and improves visibility. The product allows companies to respond to business and regulatory needs with lower development time and cost.

What's new in Cora Orchestration?

Cora Orchestration V10 is the next generation of Cora SeQuence. It includes a new portal (BETA) and the Orchestration Services module.

  • The new portal, based on the latest UX/UI studies and technologies, was built on the single-page application approach. The new single-page application simplifies user experience and provides a unified case management work area.
  • The Orchestration Services module provides back-end process and integration capabilities without end-user interactions.

You can choose to deploy the full version, or the Orchestration Services module only.

Main features

  • New BETA portal built on cutting edge latest React technology: Besides innovation and usability improvements, the new portal brings a paradigm shift for application customization and deployment.
    For more details, see this article.
  • Elasticsearch performance improvements: In our continuous efforts to improve performance, we've made the following updates to the Elasticsearch functionality: 
    • Indexing job HTML transformers: We've introduced HTML transformers that transform the indexing data to reduce the Elasticsearch database size and enhance the performance.
      You need to define these transformers in the JSON file when configuring the Elasticsearch connection.
      For more details, see this article.

      Using HTML transformers is optional, you may choose to continue using the Elasticsearch without HTML transformers.
      Cora Orchestration supports Nest 7.17, so Elasticsearch V7.x is supported and V8 is not.

    • Disable index changes in closed tables: We have disabled the index changes in closed tables to reduce the load and enhance the Elasticsearch performance. However, you can enable index changes by setting the value of trackClosedTableChanges and hasClosedTable to true.
  • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication library update: With end of support for Azure AD Graph API soon, we have updated our applications to use the Microsoft Graph API as recommended by Microsoft. (Available only for Cora Orchestration)
    For details, see this article.
  • Support OAuth authentication for sending emails: We now support sending emails using Microsoft Graph for Exchange Online. This allows an option to send emails more securely based on OAuth authentication. Sending emails using SMTP with basic authentication remains the same.
    For more details, see this article.
  • Support HTTP Consumer service with OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow: HTTP Consumers now support Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow. This allows integration to external services using the current authenticated user.
    For more details, see this article.
  • You can configure application variables to determine the number of items on which Team Leaders and Operations Managers can perform multiple actions.
    RoleApplication variableValue
    Team LeaderPortal.HotOperations.TeamLeader.MaxSelectionSize
    • Default 25
    • Max 100
    Operations ManagerPortal.HotOperations.OpsManager.MaxSelectionSize
    • Default 25
    • Max 100

    If a Team Leader or Operations Manager selects more items than the maximum value configured or the maximum value allowed by the system (100), a message is displayed and the action is canceled. 

    For more information about application variables, see this article.
  • Built on .NET5 and Docker technologies, Cora Orchestration is released as Linux-based container images ready for Kubernetes deployment. You can host Cora Orchestration on Azure or AWS. (Available only for Orchestration Services)
    For more details, see this article.

Breaking change

  • When you upgrade from a previous version of Cora SeQuence, you need to reconfigure the connection string settings in the Stored Procedure activities.
  • Links to the aspx pages continue to behave the same way as in previous versions. One click on the link will open as a separate browser window or tab and not as an internal tab in the portal.
    The above applies to:
    • The custom links to the aspx pages embedded in the form markups or analytics drilldowns.
    • The “Open Item” link in emails sent by the BRS (related to the Task and Message activities).


You can choose to deploy the full Cora Orchestration version, or the Orchestration Services module only.

  • To deploy the full Cora Orchestration product, download the release package from the repository.
  • To deploy the Orchestration Services module (no portal), contact the Support team.

Contact Support to obtain credentials to access the repository.

For the full Cora Orchestration deployment

 There are six pre-built application deployment packages available, depending on the type of application that you are deploying. You install each Cora Orchestration application separately.

Site applicationsService applications
  • Administration
  • Cora Orchestration portal
  • WebAPI
  • Job Execution Service (JES)
  • Background Runtime Service (BRS)
  • Active Directory Synchronization Service (ADSS)

When you deploy pre-built applications, you can choose between the Standard and Premium packages. The Premium package includes HotOperations. You can also build and deploy your own applications. 

Click here to see how to deploy pre-built applications. 

For more details on installing and deploying applications, see this article.


Check if you need to upgrade your database for this version.
For more information, see this article.

Before upgrade, make sure that you update the PowerShell modules to the relevant version.
For more information, see this article.

Click here to view a sample PowerShell script. Consider this sample for reference only, and do not copy paste from it.

Use Microsoft SQL Server Developer Edition for development purposes only.

During upgrade, all product application folders are deleted and redeployed: 

  • Web and App config files are overwritten in each release. You need to reapply your custom configuration settings after the upgrade.
  • All custom files located in the application folders are also deleted. Custom files should be packaged as a custom application NuGet.

Files in the central configuration location are not changed.
For more details, see this article.  

For details on Cora Orchestration platform support, see this article.