In Cora OpsManager V3.0 and above, to create client properties view, you need to create a workflow with a form activity. In the form activity, create views and a UACT table per each client properties view.
For each client property, create a view and a read-only view with the following names:
- View: refers to the name of the edit view.
- ViewRO (no space!): refers to the name of the read-only view.
In the RO view, paste the following lines:
<sq8:DataSource runat="server" ID="CustomViewsDataSource" QueryName="CustomViews" Where="fldMasterIWfId == @fldMasterIWfId"> <WhereParameters> <sq:ExpressionParameter Expression='TryElse(wf.MasterWorkflowInstanceId, ToInt64(rt.HttpRequest["CaseId"]))' Name="fldMasterIWfId"></sq:ExpressionParameter> </WhereParameters> </sq8:DataSource>
Go to Application Variables, and edit CoraOpsManager.ClientPropertiesDetails. Set the path of the view in the following format:
<WF Name>/<Activity of Views Name>
To be able to copy the fields values from manual case creation to the main case, you need to update the master workflow in the UACT view.
To do so:
- On Admin console, go to Workflows > All Workflows.
- Duplicate the ICM Copy Custom Data Example workflow.
- Duplicate the stored procedure that is displayed in the Copy Data activity.
- Add a section per each UACT that you have created. Each view should have its own UACT.
- Go to Lookup Tables > ICM Data Model > PlatformConfig, and in ICM Copy Custom Data Example workflow ID paste your duplicated workflow ID.