SAML 2.0 is an XML-based protocol that uses security tokens containing assertions to pass information about a principal (usually an end user) between a SAML authority, named an Identity Provider, and a SAML consumer, named a Service Provider. SAML 2.0 enables web-based, cross-domain single sign-on (SSO), which helps reduce the administrative overhead of distributing multiple authentication tokens to the user.
When you use SAML authentication, Cora SeQuence supports single identity provider and service provider initiated sign in and sign out only.
- Name of identity provider
- Name of service provider
- SingleSignOnServiceUrl
- SingleSignOutServiceUrl
- Binding (POST or Redirect)
- Copy of the idp signing and encryption public certificate
- Claim type that uniquely identifies users (for claims configuration)
- Is the identity provider response signed?
- is the identity provider assertion signed?
- Does the service provider sign the request?
- Publicly signed certificate (if necessary)
For Bindings:
- You can send Authentication Requests using HTTP-REDIRECT or HTTP-POST.
- Consumer Assertion Service endpoint only supports HTTP-POST binding.
- HTTP-Artifact is not supported.
Identity provider and Token-related configuration
- To configure the identity provider for the SAML integration, you can share with the IT team an SAML metadata file from Cora SeQuence. To get the metadata file, browse to https://[siteurl]/authservices in the Cora SeQuence environment and save the result.
- Configure the Consumer Assertion Service endpoint by appending to it with a question mark (?)
binding=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST (i.e. https://administration.pnmsoft.com/authservices/acs?binding=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST )
- The token
element must contain a<NameID>
IIS configuration
- Enable only Anonymous Authentication for the Administration site and Flowtime site.
- Enable claims-based authentication in the
Add Configuration Sections to the web.config File
Add the following section under the <configuration>
<configSections> ... <sectionGroup name="sequence.engine" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Configuration.WorkflowEngineConfigurationSectionGroup, PNMsoft.Sequence, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1"> ... <sectionGroup name="identity" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.Configuration.IdentityConfiguration,PNMsoft.Sequence.IdentityModel.v8, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1"> <section name="saml" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.IdentityModel.Configuration.SamlConfigurationSection, PNMsoft.Sequence.IdentityModel.Saml2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1"/> </sectionGroup> ... </sectionGroup> ... <section name="system.identityModel" type="System.IdentityModel.Configuration.SystemIdentityModelSection, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" /> <section name="system.identityModel.services" type="System.IdentityModel.Services.Configuration.SystemIdentityModelServicesSection, System.IdentityModel.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" /> ... </configSections>
Add HttpModules to the web.config file
Add the following section under the <system.webServer>
elements. Make sure these modules are list in the list.
<system.webServer> ... <modules> <!-- Other modules already configured in web.config should be here --> <add name="SessionAuthenticationModule" type="System.IdentityModel.Services.SessionAuthenticationModule, System.IdentityModel.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" preCondition="managedHandler" /> <add name="SamlAuthenticationModule" type="PNMsoft.Sequence.IdentityModel.Services.SamlAuthenticationModule, PNMsoft.Sequence.IdentityModel.Saml2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1" preCondition="managedHandler" /> </modules> ... </system.webServer>
Add SAML 2.0 configurations to the web.config file
Add the following section under the <configuration>
<identity> <saml> <serviceProvider name="https://mydomain.com/myapplication" description="Sequence Service Provider" assertionConsumerServiceUrl="/AuthServices/acs"/> <partnerIdentityProviders> <add name="https://sts.windows.net/1eb2d3db-45bd-67a8-91a2-3456ab78be9f/" description="Azure" singleSignOnServiceUrl="https://login.microsoftonline.com/1eb2d3db-45bd-67a8-91a2-3456ab78be9f/saml2" singleLogoutServiceUrl="https://login.microsoftonline.com/1eb2d3db-45bd-67a8-91a2-3456ab78be9f/saml2" singleSignOnServiceBinding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"/> </partnerIdentityProviders> </saml> </identity>
SAML Configuration Attributes
Name | Description | Required | Default Value |
modulePath | Relative path of SAML authentication endpoint. | Yes | /AuthServices |
samlCommandFactoryType | Extension point to enable creation of your own commands to handle sign in and sign out. | Yes | PNMsoft.Sequence.IdentityModel.Commands.CommandFactory, PNMsoft.Sequence.IdentityModel.Saml2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a1a1b90c1c5dca1 |
returnUrl | Absolute URL the user is redirected to after sign in. | No | Cora SeQuence Flowtime URL |
serviceProvider Configuration Attributes
Name | Description | Required | Default Value |
assertionConsumerServiceUrl | Assertion Consumer Service URL. | Yes | /AuthServices/acs |
name | Generally, the application's URL. | Yes | - |
description | Service Provider description. | No | - |
localCertificateFile | Specifies the X.509 certificate file for this service provider. The certificate file name can be an absolute path or a path relative to the application folder. | No | - |
localCertificatePassword | Specifies the password with the X.509 certificate file for this service provider. Certificate files (.pfx) that include the private key should be protected by password. Certificate files (.cer) that do not include a private key are not password protected. The certificate password must be kept secure. In a test environment using a test certificate, specifying the password using the LocalCertificatePassword attribute is acceptable. For a production certificate, the password should be stored encrypted in the web.config file. Refer to the LocalCertificatePasswordKey attribute for more details. | No | - |
localCertificatePasswordKey | Specifies the web.config file's appSettings key for the certificate file password. For example, if the LocalCertificatePasswordKey attribute value is localCertificatePassword, then under the web.config file's appSettings section, an entry with the name localCertificatePassword is expected, and the entry value is used as the password. By encrypting the appSettings section using the aspnet_regiis utility, the certificate file password is secured. | No | - |
localCertificateStoreLocation | Specifies the X.509 certificate store (LocalMachine or CurrentUser). | No | LocalMachine |
localCertificateSerialNumber | Specifies the X.509 certificate by serial number for this service provider. | No | - |
localCertificateThumbprint | Specifies the X.509 certificate by thumbprint for this service provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer's X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
localCertificateSubject | Specifies the X.509 certificate by subject name for this service provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer's X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
partnerIdentityProviders Configuration Attributes
Name | Description | Required | Default Value |
name | Generally, the identity provider's URL or STS. | Yes | - |
description | Description of the identity provider. | No | - |
disableInResponseToCheck | Controls whether to validate that the SAML response token is a response to a request originated by Cora SeQuence. Add this attribute and set it to "true" when IdP-Initiated SSO is required. | No | false |
singleSignOnServiceUrl | Specifies the application's single sign-on service URL. SAML authentication requests will be received at this URL. | Yes | - |
singleSignOnServiceBinding | Specifies the transport binding to use when sending authentication requests to the partner identity provider's SSO service. | No | urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST |
signAuthnRequest | Specifies whether authentication requests sent to the partner identity provider should be signed. | No | false |
wantSAMLResponseSigned | Specifies whether the SAML response from the partner identity provider should be signed. | No | false |
wantAssertionSigned | Specifies whether the SAML assertion from the partner identity provider should be signed. | No | false |
wantAssertionEncrypted | Specifies whether the SAML assertion from the partner identity provider should be encrypted. | No | false |
partnerCertificateFile | Specifies the X.509 certificate file for this identity provider. The certificate file name can be an absolute path or a path relative to the application folder. | No | - |
partnerCertificateStoreLocation | Specifies the X.509 certificate store (LocalMachine or CurrentUser). | No | LocalMachine |
partnerCertificateSerialNumber | Specifies the X.509 serial number for this provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer's X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
partnerCertificateThumbprint | Specifies the X.509 certificate by thumbprint for this identity provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer's X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
partnerCertificateSubject | Specifies the X.509 certificate by subject name for this identity provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer's X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
secondaryPartnerCertificateFile | Specifies the X.509 certificate file for this provider. The certificate file name may be an absolute path or a path relative to the application folder. | No | - |
secondaryPartnerCertificateStoreLocation | Specifies the X.509 certificate store (LocalMachine or CurrentUser). | No | LocalMachine |
secondaryPartnerCertificateSerialNumber | Specifies the X.509 certificate by serial number for this provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer’s X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
secondaryPartnerCertificateThumbprint | Specifies the X.509 certificate by thumbprint for this provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer’s X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
secondaryPartnerCertificateSubject | Specifies the X.509 certificate by subject name for this provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer’s X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
tertiaryPartnerCertificateFile | Specifies the X.509 certificate file for this provider. The certificate file name may be an absolute path or a path relative to the application folder. | No | |
tertiaryPartnerCertificateStoreLocation | Specifies the X.509 certificate store (LocalMachine or CurrentUser). | No | LocalMachine |
tertiaryPartnerCertificateSerialNumber | Specifies the X.509 certificate by serial number for this provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer’s X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
tertiaryPartnerCertificateThumbprint | Specifies the X.509 certificate by thumbprint for this provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer’s X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
tertiaryPartnerCertificateSubject | Specifies the X.509 certificate by subject name for this provider. The certificate is retrieved from the local computer’s X.509 certificate store. | No | - |
singleLogoutServiceUrl | Specifies the partner provider's single logout (SLO) service URL. Logout requests will be sent to the SLO service. | Yes | - |
singleLogoutServiceBinding | Specifies the transport binding to use when sending logout messages to the partner provider's SLO service. | No | urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect |
logoutRequestLifeTime | Specifies the NotOnOrAfter time interval for the logout request. The format is hh:mm:ss. | No | 3 minutes |
disableOutboundLogout | Specifies whether logout requests sent to the partner provider are not supported. | No | false |
disableInResponseToCheck | Specifies whether the SAML message’s InResponseTo should be checked. This attribute should only be set to true in test environments or to work around limitations in the partner provider. | No | false |
signLogoutRequest | Specifies whether logout requests sent to the partner provider should be signed. | No | false |
useEmbeddedCertificate | Specifies whether the certificate embedded in the XML signature should be used when verifying the signature. If false then a configured certificate retrieved from the certificate manager is used. | No | false |
issuerFormat | Specifies the issuer format to include in SAML messages and assertions sent to the partner provider. | No | Format attribute is not included |
digestMethod | Specifies the XML signature digest method. | No | |
signatureMethod | Specifies the XML signature method. | No | |
keyEncryptionMethod | Specifies the XML encryption key encryption method. | No | |
dataEncryptionMethod | Specifies the XML encryption data encryption method. | No | |
forceAuthn | Available with Cora SeQuence V9.3 Forces the user to sign in again via the SAML SSO sign-in page even if the user has a valid session (user has already signed in to the same browser with the IDP). If set to "true," the attribute “forceAuthn=true” is added to the SAML request. | No | false |
Supported Bindings
- urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect
- urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST
Secondary and Tertiary Certificates
For Partner Identity Providers, you can use secondary and tertiary certificates.
For example:
- SecondaryLocalCertificateFile
- TertiaryLocalCertificateFile
Configure IdentityModel Audience
In the web.config
file, add the following section under <configuration>
<system.identityModel> <identityConfiguration> <audienceUris> <add value="https://mydomain.com/application" /> </audienceUris> </identityConfiguration> </system.identityModel>
Configure the Cora SeQuence Authentication Provider
Add claims authentication under the <configuration>
<claims enabled="true" signoutFromSts="false" loginUrl="~/AuthServices/signin" logoutUrl="~/AuthServices/logout" accessDeniedUrl="~/AccessDenied.aspx"> <IdentityClaims> <add claimType="<claim type>" originalIssuer="<token issuer>" authenticationType="<sequence authentication type" /> </IdentityClaims> </claims>