Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


New Articles

  1. Customize Menu Items

    Customize the menu items in the portal.
  2. Edit CSS styles

    Edit existing styles or add new ones to the CSS file.
  3. Replace the logo

    Three methods for replacing the default logo with a custom one.
  4. Template Project for Portal Customization

    Overview of the Visual Studio template provided for customizing the portal
  5. Set Up the Development Environment for Portal Customization

    Preparing the development environment for customizing the portal.
  6. Archive Overview

    Overview of the V9.9 archive feature
  7. Configure Archive

    This article describes how to configure the archive feature.
  8. CI/CD Platform Setup Instructions and Best Practices

    There are two options for customizing Cora SeQuence: creating a custom application or using release pipelines to deploy small changes.
  9. Validate the CI/CD Username

    Check if the CI/CD user configured for each environment has been properly created
  10. Main Steps for Setting Up the CI/CD Pipelines

    Checklist of the main steps required to set up and execute CI/CD pipelines.