Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


New Articles

  1. Flowtime Service Does Not Work and No Data Displays

    When you access the Flowtime site no data displays.
  2. Validate a Workflow

    Use this API sample to validate a workflow.
  3. Configure Cora SeQuence for SAML 2.0 SSO with OAuth 2.0 for Service-to-Service

    When you configure Cora SeQuence Administration or Flowtime Portal using OAuth, all user authentication is executed using SSO
  4. Cora SeQuence 8.4.1 Release Notes

    This is an update for Cora SeQuence v8.4.0, which includes new product functionality.
  5. Cora SeQuence Workflow Templates

    Cora SeQuence includes a rich library of pre-built templates. These templates can be a great starting point for developing workflow applications. They will save you time by providing well bui
  6. Manage Application Variables

    Application variables are dynamic variables that enable you to reuse content that you commonly use in Cora SeQuence. You define a key and its value in the Application Variables table, and the
  7. Customize HotOperations Board Displays

    There are several HotOperations board properties that you can hide from runtime display: Workload and Cost Per Person.
  8. Create HotOperations Dashboard Suites

    Create a HotOperations dashboard suite to customize the dashboards that display for HotOperations users with the Operation Manager or Team Leader roles.
  9. Create an Analytics Dashboard Suite

    Create an Analytics dashboard suite to customize the dashboards that display for Flowtime users.
  10. Configure Cora SeQuence for SAML 2.0 Authentication

    SAML 2.0 is an XML-based protocol that uses security tokens containing assertions to pass information about a principal (usually an end user) between a SAML authority, named an Identity Provider, and