Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


New Articles

  1. Send an Attachment to a Web Service Consumer

    Follow this sample to learn how to send an attachment to a Web service consumer.
  2. How to Find Controls on the Client Side

    Use these expression parameters in a form's view expressions.
  3. Disable the Submit Button After Click Event

    You can disable the Submit button and Save button on page unload. This is helpful when you want to prevent double-click, and creating duplicate records.
  4. Save Command Options

    You can add a Submit button and Update button to your forms, which enable users to save the information they entered on the form. To configure the save command option, you give the button a CommandNa
  5. Add a Background Image to a Button

    Use this code sample to add a background image to a button.
  6. Create a Custom BRS Thread

    To create a custom BRS extension, you create a class that inherits from IBackgroundRuntimeServiceExecutable,IDisposable, and include one public method of execution (public voice Execute()).
  7. Configure BRS to Send Mail Using Office 365

    Learn how to configure BRS to send mail using Office 365.
  8. Get the Connection String Using the API

    To get the connection string using the API, add reference to Pnmsoft.Sequence, Pnmsoft.Sequence.Data, and Pnmsoft.Sequence.Security.
  9. Get Cora SeQuence Credentials from the Credential Store Using the API

    Use this code sample to get credentials from the Cora SeQuence credential store. The code runs from within a custom assembly or custom activity.
  10. Code Editor Shortcuts

    A list of keyboard shortcuts you can use in the code (markup) editor.