Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


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  1. XPath Methods

    Use expressions to perform XPath operations.
  2. Add a Loading Panel on Button Click

    This sample code shows how to add a loading panel on button click. It is also useful when you want to block submit after one click.
  3. Convert Methods

    Convert methods that you can use to build Cora SeQuence expressions.
  4. Date and Time Methods

    Date and time methods that you can use to build Cora SeQuence expressions.
  5. String Methods

    String methods that you can use to build Cora SeQuence expressions.
  6. Expression Samples

    View sample scenarios, their expressions, and return value type.
  7. it Object

    The it object is the expression argument for the LINQ extension methods.
  8. Data Source Object (ds)

    The ds object is the data source object passed to the expression execution.
  9. Master Workflow Object (mwf)

    Use the mwf object to retrieve values from a master workflow with a simple expression. With the mwf object, you can access master workflow metadata and activity metadata, which you can do from any wo
  10. Message Object Expressions

    When you create a message, a message object is created with the message's metadata, which you can use in an expression.