In v8.3, we upgraded our int to big int, which allows for higher instance volume. There are certain known issues and limitations.
Learn how to install Cora SeQuence v7.x.
Cumulative list of breaking changes starting with Cora SeQuence V8.1.
This sample shows how to all the required steps to catch a grid insert event and update a combo box.
Cora SeQuence 7.4 introduces a new Flowtime environment, user display time, a data source configuration wizard, multilingual support in Process TOGO, and numerous product enhancements.
After you successfully publish a dashboard, you receive an HTTP status 404 when you try to view the dashboard in Flowtime.
Use the Delete a CRM Entity Activity to delete a Dynamics CRM entity in a dynamic workflow.
The process tree displays the flow of the process and the current pending activity, in Flowtime and in the database. Access to the process tree requires specific permissions.
The association between the objects is established in the query itself.
Use the Retrieve a CRM Entity Activity to retrieve a CRM entity as an object that you can use in a dynamic workflow.