Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Popular Articles

  1.  Configuring Elasticsearch Service

    Configure the Case Search and Change Tracking in the database.
  2. Installer SSL security error

    Fix for installing or upgrading Cora SeQuence on SQL servers that allow only TLS 1.2 connection.
  3. POST /MessagesService.svc/ReassignRecipient

    Reassigns the message from one recipient to another recipient.
  4. POST /SharedInstancesService.svc/ShareInstanceByUser

    Shares a process with a single user.
  5. Configure Grid Filtering Mode

    Configure grid filters.
  6. POST /AggregatedHotCasesService.svc/ReallocateCases

    Reallocates selected cases to another user group.
  7. POST /SharedInstancesService.svc/SharedInstanceByGroup

    Shares a process with a single group.
  8. POST /AggregatedHotCasesService.svc/GetData

    Returns a list of HotOperations cases by solution and user (Ops Manager).
  9. POST /MessagesService.svc/RemoveRecipient

    Remove a single recipient from a message in Flowtime.
  10. Cora SeQuence Release Notes

    Update for Sequence Cora SeQuence that includes a fix for version 8.4.8.