Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Popular Articles

  1. PowerShell Module: CoraSeQuence

    List of functions included in the CoraSeQuence PowerShell module.
  2. SVCLOG Files

    SVCLOG Files in Cora SeQuence
  3. View My Tasks List

    How to view my tasks list?
  4. POST /MessagesService.svc/RemoveRecipients

    Remove multiple recipients from a message in Flowtime.
  5. Cora SeQuence Release Notes

    6 February 2019 This is an update for V8.6, which includes the following resolved issue. Resolved issue The Email Listener activity configured with the EWS protocol fetched emails in LIFO order (Last In, First Out) instead of FIFO order (First I...
  6. Cora SeQuence V9.x Required Roles and Features

    List of roles and features required to deploy Cora SeQuence V9.X.
  7. Create New Email Template

    How to create an email template in Cora OpsManager?
  8. OOTB Reports in Cora OpsManager

    List of OOTB Reports in Cora OpsManager
  9. POST /TeamMemberTasksService.svc/ReturnActivities

    Returns multiple fetched activities back to the queue.
  10. Add Mailboxes to Cora OpsManager

    How to add mailboxes to Cora OpsManager?