Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


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  1. PowerShell Function: Set-CoraSeQuenceExternalResourcesLocation

    Parameters of the Set-CoraSeQuenceExternalResourcesLocation PowerShell function.
  2. List of Cora icons for Flowtime pages

    V8.7 When you set up Flowtime pages, you can display an icon next to the page name. To do this, configure the IconId parameter on the ASPX file as follows:   IconId=" "  List of available icons and their names sqpi-Accept sqpi-Lapt...
  3. PowerShell Function: Get-CoraSeQuenceServiceGUID

    Parameters of the Get-CoraSeQuenceServiceGUID PowerShell function.
  4. OOTB Push Next in Cora OpsManager

    OOTB Push Next in Cora OpsManager
  5. Cora Orchestration 10.5 Release Notes

    Cora Orchestration 10.5 Release Notes
  6. Roles in Cora Case Manager

    This article briefs about the roles available in Cora OpsManager.
  7. Cora OpsManager 2.1.1 Release Notes

    Cora OpsManager 2.1.1 Release Notes
  8. Cora OpsManager 2.1.3 Release Notes

    Cora OpsManager 2.1.3 Release Notes
  9. PowerShell Function: Test-CoraSeQuenceCompatibility

    Parameters of the Test-CoraSeQuenceCompatibility PowerShell function.
  10.  Getting Started with Portal Customization

    Main steps required to customize the Cora Orchestration portal.