Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Popular Articles

  1. Custom Applications Upgrade

    Custom Applications Upgrade details
  2.  Configure the Text Classification Activity

    Configure the Text Classification activity.
  3. List of Conversation Types in the Conversations View

    List of Conversation Types in Flowtime Lite Portal
  4.  Create a Page Using the FormViewer Control

    Create a Page Using the FormViewer Control
  5. Deep Link Examples

    Use these deep link examples for different URLs in the portal.
  6. Reusing Cookies in HTTP Consumers

    Share a session and reuse the session cookie container between two activities.
  7. Add Connection Credentials

    This article helps you add authentication credentials to connect to an external service.
  8. PowerShell Function: Get-CoraSeQuenceApplicationsConfigurationFiles

    Parameters of the Get-CoraSeQuenceApplicationsConfigurationFiles function.
  9. Email delivery issues

    Recommendations on how to solve email delivery issues.
  10. Create a Report Dashboard

    This article helps you create a report dashboard.