Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Popular Articles

  1. Rollback Workflow Instances

    Rollback Workflow Instances
  2. PowerShell Module: CoraSeQuence.Services

    PowerShell Module: CoraSeQuence.Services
  3. Define Case Configuration Set for Case Scoring

    This article explains the procedure to define a case configuration set for case scoring and configure JES jobs for case scoring.
  4.  Reusable Solution Components

    Watch a video that demonstrations how to configure the reusable solution components: Email Composer, Conversations View, and Attachments View.
  5.  Main Steps for Setting Up the CI/CD Pipelines

    Checklist of the main steps required to set up and execute CI/CD pipelines.
  6. Jobs Stay Queued

    Configure JES to ensure that there are enough free treads to execute jobs.
  7. Create a Case Configuration Set

    This article helps you create case configuration sets.
  8. Update Case based on Text Classification

    You can configure a parameter in the ICM Email Listener workflow to determine whether an existing case needs to be updated when receiving a new email or not.
  9. Cora OpsManager 3.3.2 Release Notes

    Cora OpsManager Release Notes 3.3.2
  10. PowerShell Function: Set-CoraSeQuenceBRSThreadConfiguration

    Parameters of the Set-CoraSeQuenceBRSThreadConfiguration function.