Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Updated Articles

  1. Service Bus Listener activity

    Azure Service bus activity provides a powerful messaging mechanism to integrate your workflow with other applications or services.
  2. Service Bus Consumer activity

    Configure the Service Bus Consumer activity.
  3.  Add UI Rules to a Form

    This article helps you add UI rules to a form view.
  4.  Add a Field to a Form

    Learn how to add a field to a form.
  5.  Adding filters to Dashboard Suites

    How to set up dashboard filters.
  6. REST Consumer Activity Overview

    Use the REST Consumer Activity to invoke a method exposed by a RESTful Web service. Your workflow can then interact with this method and its data.
  7.  Configuring HTTP Service Activities

    How to configure REST activities?
  8.  Configure the Text Classification Activity

    Configure the Text Classification activity.
  9. Web Service Listener Activity Overview

    Use the Web Service Listener Activity to create and expose a Web Service and kickoff or resume a workflow when the Web Service is invoked by an external application.
  10. Data Model Activity Overview

    Use the Data Model Activity to create a data model that you can share between workflows.