Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Updated Articles

  1. Web Service Listener Activity Overview

    Use the Web Service Listener Activity to create and expose a Web Service and kickoff or resume a workflow when the Web Service is invoked by an external application.
  2. Data Model Activity Overview

    Use the Data Model Activity to create a data model that you can share between workflows.
  3. Put File Activity Overview

    The Put Activity exports one or more files (attachments or array of bytes) from Sequence to an external storage system. You can export the files individually, as a bundle, or in a ZIP file.
  4.  Add a Grid to a Form

    Watch this video to learn how to add a grid to a form and how to add automatic calculations to the grid. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Want to learn by doing?  Check out this hands-on exercise . Note that only inter...
  5. Delete File Activity Overview

    The Delete File Activity deletes a single file (attachment or array of bytes) from an external storage system as part of a workflow. This is helpful so that a file is not processed multiple tim
  6. Define Case Configuration Set for Case Scoring

    This article explains the procedure to define a case configuration set for case scoring and configure JES jobs for case scoring.
  7. Connect a Case Configuration Set to a Solution

    This article helps you connect a configuration set to a Solution.
  8. Create a Case Configuration Set

    This article helps you create case configuration sets.
  9.  Email Listener Activity

    Use the Email Listener Activity to listen to an email inbox and start or resume a dynamic workflow when a new email arrives to the inbox. You can then use the email object in other workflow stages.
  10. Email Listener Activity

    Starting with V10.0, Cora SeQuence has been renamed to . V10.4 Overview Use the Email Listener activity to listen to an email inbox and start a dynamic workflow when a new email arrives to the inbox. You can then use the returned email object...