Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


New Articles

  1. Analytics Overview

    The Analytics feature provide developers and administrators visual insight into the solutions they build.
  2. Extend Functionality When You Create an Activity

    Oftentimes, an activity requires additional functionality. To accomplish this, you can write an extension for the activity. Activate the Code Add a class library to your solution. Add the relevant references. PNMsoft.Sequence PNMsoft.Sequenc...
  3. Start a New Workflow Instance

    Use the API to start a new workflow instance.
  4. Invoke a WCF Service Activity

    Use the API to invoke a WCF Service Activity.
  5. Get Activity Details When Running as ESC Activity

    Use the API to get activity details when you run the activity as an ESC activity.
  6. Get a Workflow Instance

    Use the API to get a workflow instance.
  7. Create a New Workflow Instance

    Use the API to create a workflow instance based on the template GUID.
  8. Assign Values to Workflow Parameters

    Use the API to assign values to workflow parameters when the workflow is executed.
  9. Retrieve a Web Service URL

    Use the API to retrieve a Web service's URL, by referencing the service name from the Web service consumer table. public static string GetWebServiceConsumerUrl(string serviceName) { WebServiceConsumerDefinition definition = W...
  10. Access a Sequence Service Instance

    Use the API to access a Sequence service instance.