Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


New Articles

  1. OData Protocol Guide

    Learn how to use the OData protocol to access Cora SeQuence data from client technologies.
  2. Multilingual Configuration

    Cora SeQuence supports multiple languages. You can configure a Flowtime environment in any supported language. Multilingual support enables you to translate the several metadata values.
  3. Create Form Templates

    Learn how to create and save form templates.
  4. Understanding Expressions

    Cora SeQuence expressions are sophisticated and flexible tools for retrieving the information you need in workflows. An expression is a .NET compiled method, and is always typed.
  5. Date Formatting

    Use date formatting to convert the Date object to a human readable string.
  6. Database Structure

    This is an overview of the Cora SeQuence database for reporting purposes. This information focuses on the major tables and fields, it is not exhaustive.
  7. Install the Cora SeQuence Database Using Scripts

    Install the Cora SeQuence database using scripts.
  8. Deploy Dashboards

    Learn how to export dashboard objects and import dashboard packages.
  9. Create a Dashboard

    Create a dashboard tile to monitor user-specific data.
  10. Understanding Dashboard Suites

    The dashboard suite is a set of dashboards that you create according to a user's specific needs, such as an employee, manager, or regional manager.