Every API call requires an XSRF token for authentication. You include the XSRF token in the call header.
The ComboBox control is a drop-down menu that you can add to a form. You can manually configure the ComboBox values, or you can connect the ComboBox to a data source, which populates the menu with items from the data source. The ComboBox can be stat...
Use the API to add an attachment to a table query of a Form Activity.
Use code snippets to extend functionality in Forms.
Learn how to bind a data source to a form by selecting it from a list of queries that were defined in the data model.
When you configure Cora SeQuence Administration or Flowtime Portal using OAuth, all user authentication is executed using SSO
Delegate and take ownership of processes to optimize organizational workloads and update workloads according to changing organizational situations.
How to make User Profile settings?
Define a workflow as In-Memory when you do not want to save the operation's details to the database. When workflows that perform a complex calculation or operation, details
Security Best Practices