Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


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  1. Sub Workflow Activity Overview

    Use the Sub Workflow Activity to kick off another workflow from within the parent workflow. The sub workflow is another workflow that is defined in Sequence.
  2. Use the URL to Start or Open a Workflow

    You can use runtime URLs to open an existing workflow, start a new workflow, and control some UI elements, such as show/hide the left-panel tree.
  3.  If Else Activity Overview

    Use the If Else Activity to route a workflow according to business rules.
  4. Web Service Consumer Activity Overview

    This article explains all about the Web Service Consumer Activity that you can use to invoke a method exposed by a Web service.
  5. Manage Lookup Tables

    A lookup table is a query type that you connect to a data model when defining a Form. They are tables with lookup values that you can use to in various several controls, such as combo boxes, option g
  6.  UX Studio Overview

    UX Studio is a .NET markup editor in a 100% Web development environment, enabling developers to rapidly collaborate on forms. UX Studio includes separate working modes for basic and advanced users.
  7. it Object

    The it object is the expression argument for the LINQ extension methods.
  8. Use the AsQueryable Method in an Expression

    When you use the AsQueryable attribute in an expression, the query is executed at the database level (rather than in memory).
  9. Active Directory Synchronization Services Best Practices

    We recommend these best practices for synchronizing Cora SeQuence with your Active Directory.
  10. Workflow Design Time Roles

    Workflow Design Time Roles define levels of access for users developing workflows in App Studio. There are several out-of-the-box Workflow Design Time Roles, and you can create custom roles.