Installation guide for Cora SeQuence 8.4.
This sample code shows how to add a loading panel on button click. It is also useful when you want to block submit after one click.
Add a combo box to a form so end users can easily provide requested information.
String methods that you can use to build Cora SeQuence expressions.
In order to synchronize your Azure AD users and groups with Cora SeQuence (using ADSS), you need to add your Cora SeQuence ADSS as an application to your Azure AD.
Customize the forms in your dynamic workflows by adding controls.
It is important to follow a versioning system so you have the flexibility to revert to previous workflow versions and track development between versions.
Learn how to deploy workflow packages from one environment to another.
Use the SharePoint Delete List Item Activity to delete an item from a SharePoint library as part of a dynamic workflow.
Create a custom activity template to include in a dynamic workflow.