Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


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  1. Active Directory Connection Settings

    The Active Directory (AD) connection is written with LDAP syntax, and you define the connection from the Administration site. This procedure describes how to change the default AD settings. In our ex
  2. Disable the Submit Button After Click Event

    You can disable the Submit button and Save button on page unload. This is helpful when you want to prevent double-click, and creating duplicate records.
  3. Cora SeQuence 8.3.1 Release Notes

    Cora SeQuence 8.3.1 is an update that includes new product functionality, and resolves product issues.
  4. Rapidly Build and Edit High-End Business Process Applications

    Learn how to quickly build and edit business process applications.
  5. Workflow Source Control

    Learn how to manage workflow versions and implement source control best practices, especially when working as a team.
  6. Version Management for Workflows

    Learn how to create workflow packages for export, import/restore workflow packages, create new versions of a workflow, and create a copy of a workflow.
  7. Manage User Profile

    How to make User Profile settings?
  8. Working with the Debugger

    Use the Debugger feature to implement controlled workflow instances. The Debugger enables developers to walk through workflow execution activity by activity, and view the data and metadata at every s
  9. User and Group Methods

    Perform operations on users and groups. In the example below, the join concatenates all groups that a user belongs to.
  10. Analytics Designer Load is Empty

    The Analytics designer does not contain any content.