Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


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  1. Changing the Application Pool Account

    PowerShell sample script that changes the user that accesses the site application.
  2. Use a WCF Consumer to Communicate with Oracle EBS

    Use this markup to enable Sequence to communicate with Oracle EBS using a WCF consumer.
  3. Best Practices for Monitoring Cora SeQuence Environment

    Monitoring on-premises Cora SeQuence Server deployments is an important part of keeping them running smoothly, especially for large enterprise deployments. Good monitoring can help administrators avoid issues before they affect end users, as well...
  4. ProcessTOGO Windows Authentication

    By default, ProcessTOGO is configured with forms authentication. Follow this procedure to configure ProcessTOGO with Windows authentication.
  5. Start New Instance Button is Disabled

    A workflow name displays in the workflow list, but the Start New Instance button is disabled.
  6. Create a 'System Down for Maintenance' Page

    Create a custom page that displays to users when a page is unavailable.
  7. Apply Sort to Combos

    If your combobox or grid is based on a table, or lookup table, use the Order by attribute to specify the sort order.
  8. Cora SeQuence 8.4.7 Release Notes

    14 JUNE 2018 This is an update for Sequence v8.4.0, which includes additional tracing capabilities for the issue detailed below. Enhancements Detailed plan execution tracing was added to HotOperations. To Enable the logging: 1.  Add the code be...
  9. Display Closed Instances on a Custom Portal Page

    Use the following markup to display closed instances on a custom portal page.
  10. Error Message: Root Element is Missing

    When you try to import a workflow ZIP package that contains forms created in Cora SeQuence v6, you receive an error message.