Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


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  1. Create a Message Template

    The message template is an HTML-based message that enables you to create reusable, dynamic messages. Include free text, HTML content, and message parameters.
  2. Cora SeQuence Release Notes

    17 September 2018 This is an update for v8.6, which includes a fix for the issue detailed below. Resolved issue When you used the Split function to set up group or user expressions for task/message recipients, you got this error message: "Expres...
  3. Processes Do Not Display in Flowtime After Upgrade to Cora SeQuence 8.3

    After you upgrade to Cora SeQuence 8.3, your processes display in the Administration site, but not the Flowtime site.
  4.  ONE Gas Case Study

    This case study examines how an Oklahoma-based, Fortune 200 energy provider achieved business process improvement with impressive ROI, using PNMsoft dynamic workflows. These are some of the ROI highlights: Reduced average billing time by alm...
  5. Fetch/Return is Not Visible in ProcessTOGO

    You do not have the option to fetch or return queued tasks in ProcessTOGO.
  6. Customize HotOperations Board Displays

    There are several HotOperations board properties that you can hide from runtime display: Workload and Cost Per Person.
  7.  ATKINS Case Study

    ATKINS’s i-gate project automated the mission-critical and ultra-complex commercial service delivery process with Sequence BPM platform from PNMsoft. The company behind the London Olympics 2012, Dubai Metro, and other huge projects orchestrates inf...
  8. Cora SeQuence 8.4.6 Release Notes

    24 MAY 2018 This is an update for v8.4.0, which resolves a product issue, detailed below. Resolved Issues HotOperations Views Performance   Resolution:  The solution involves Stored Procedures optimization, table schema changes and code chan...
  9. Cora SeQuence 9.3 Release Notes

    Cora SeQuence V9.3 continues to improve system performance by expanding its scalability capabilities. You can now have as many JES instances as required running the same Service Bus Listener or Kafka Subscriber job. The new release also introduces new session management features. The Search feature, previously available only for Hot Operations, is now available for any workflow.
  10. Apply Different XSLT Styles for Each Workflow Template

    To differentiate between different workflows in email messages from Cora SeQuence, you can use the "if" syntax.