Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Popular Articles

  1. LINQ Extension Methods

    Cora SeQuence supports several LINQ extension methods, which perform transformations on IEnumberable types (standard .NET functionality).
  2. Use Expressions in a Form Template

    Learn how to use expressions in form template markup.
  3. Functional Design Best Practices

    A functional design is the high-level road map of what you want to develop, not how you will develop it. There are two primary elements to a functional design.
  4. Web Service Input Activity Overview

    This article explains all about the Web Service Input Activity that you can use to select a Web service and method that you want to listen to in a dynamic workflow.
  5. Define Message Content

    Define the message's subject, body, and format.
  6. Human Activities Overview

    Learn how to add and use Human activities in dynamic workflows.
  7. Define Workflow Stages

    Define workflow stages so that end users can view the specific process stage. This helps end users understand what is required to move to the next stage of the process.
  8. Define a Data Model Table Query

    Learn how to define the properties of the table query you are adding to a form's data model.
  9. Performance Best Practices

    You can improve performance for several dynamic workflow components. There are an unlimited number or ways to develop a solution. When building a solution, balance your requirements with your resourc
  10. OData Protocol Guide

    Learn how to use the OData protocol to access Cora SeQuence data from client technologies.