Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Popular Articles

  1. Create Conditional Subviews

    This article helps you create conditional subviews.
  2. Validate the CI/CD Username

    Check if the CI/CD user configured for each environment has been properly created
  3. Cora Case Manager 4.0.1 Release Notes

    Cora Case Manager 4.0.1 Release Notes
  4. Use PostgreSQL database

    This article explains how to use PostgreSQL database with Cora Orchestration.
  5. Deploying a non-Microsoft SQL Database

    This article guides to deploy a non MS SQL database with Orchestration Services.
  6. Set up Connection to Kubernetes Cluster

    This article helps you to connect to Kubernetes cluster.
  7. Cora Case Manager 4.0.3 Release Notes

    Cora Case Manager 4.0.3 Release Notes
  8. PowerShell Function: Install-CoraSeQuenceDatabaseLiquibaseChangeSets

    PowerShell Function: Install-CoraSeQuenceDatabaseLiquibaseChangeSets
  9. SK Function Activity Overview

    This article explains the SK Function activity overview.
  10. Sample Queries to generate Azure Application Insight reports

    This article provides you some sample queries to generate Azure Application Insight reports.