Genpact Cora Knowledge Center


Updated Articles

  1. Eyeball Configuration

    This article explains the eyeball configuration.
  2. Extraction Model Configuration

    This article explains the extraction model configuration.
  3. Culture Resolution Configuration

    This article helps you configure the culture resolution configuration.
  4. Classification Configuration

    This article briefs about the classification configuration.
  5. Cora Orchestration 10.7.2 Release Notes

    Cora Orchestration 10.7.2 Release Notes
  6. Map PowerShell Modules Versions to Product Versions

    This article provides a map between PowerShell modules versions and Cora SeQuence versions.
  7. Application Variables

    This article provides the list of application variables available in Cora SeQuence for various settings.
  8. Application Variables

    This is the list of application variables supported in Cora Orchestration.
  9. Cumulative List of Breaking Changes

    Cumulative list of breaking changes starting with Cora SeQuence V8.1.
  10. Cumulative List of Breaking Changes

    This is the cumulative list of breaking changes.